Chapter 69 || Swan Lake

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Another update for y'all :) Hope you enjoy🖤

Natasha POV

"Babe, where's the milk?" Jayce's voice comes over the compound's intercom system thanks to FRIDAY and I chuckle, "Top shelf in the fridge. I pumped this morning. Just warm it up a bit in the microwave. DO NOT forget to test it with your finger!"

"Alright alright! Jeez. Work makes you cranky," I can already picture her smirk from where I'm training and I chuckle before punching the heavyweight again.

"You almost burned Kiara's mouth last week because you nuked the damn milk."

"I did no such thing."

"It was bubbling, it was so hot," I snorted and punched again, hearing the door open which tells me Steve is here.

I grab my water from the bench and sit down while Steve raises an amused eyebrow at mine and Jayce's conversation. We can hear her grumbling something before she huffs, "Yeah yeah, whatever. I'm on it."

"Thank you, sweetheart."

"Uh huh. Enjoy training with Spangles."

"Spangles? Seriously?" Steve frowns, glaring up at the intercom system as if Jayce can see him. It brings a light laugh out of me before I stand back up and Jayce quickly excuses herself, ending the conversation while the super soldier drops his bag and chuckles.

"You two seem to be doing better."

"We are, nice observation," I nod and we get into doing our stretches before stepping onto the mats.

"So everything's good then? Tony said something about uh...having to burn an entire quinjet last month?"

A loud snort comes out of me but I swallow it and clear my throat, "Yeah that was uh...we took advantage of having time alone."

"In the jet?" The man flashes a knowing, lopsided grin that I immediately narrow my gaze at and move to stretch my other leg.

"You try raising 7 month old twins and you tell me when you and your partner have time to unwind, alright?" I shoot a downing look on him that brings him to raise his hands in surrender, "Alright, cease fire."

We both stand up once we complete our stretches and head over to the mat to spar. Over the past year I've decided to help Steve learn some moves that I learned back in the Red Room. Horrible of an upbringing as I had, I have to admit that I learned a hell of a lot.

We were disciplined in a variety of martial arts fighting and disarming technique styles like Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, and Vovinam. All of these fighting styles originated from different locations all over the world, along with some others, but I utilize these the most, specifically Vovinam.

Jayce always reminds me of my signature move, the one where I run and jump onto my target's shoulders and attack. I have Vovinam martial arts to thank for that.

Since we have more downtime now, I figured Steve could benefit from learning. He won't always be able to rely on his larger build and powerful punches, he has to be more light on his feet, and think more strategically.

Fighting isn't about size or strength, really. Sure, strength plays a big part, but your brain plays an even bigger one. Know your opponent, observe them, keep your focus and eyes ready to notice even the slightest mistake in their step or movements, analyze their weaknesses, and then attack.

Another key factor is flexibility, your limbs need to be loose and your body needs to be able to move in all sorts of ways, which is why I'm training this Dorito chip-shaped man to loosen his limbs, to not have to move so much into a position. Instead, you need to flow into position, move swiftly and smoothly, like you're dancing.

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