Chapter 11 || Peter

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Hi y'all :)

Enjoy this nice long chapter

I have been sitting outside of the apartment building for the past hour. People have come in and out of it, but my focus is mainly on the kid inside a window.

He is taller, much taller than he used to be. He's all grown up.

As quietly as I can when he leaves the room, I swing towards the window and lift it with my hands, chuckling when I realize he didn't even bother to lock it.

"Why am I surprised?" I mumble to myself before slipping into the room.

Once inside, I stand in his room and take my mask off, leaving me in just the suit from the neck down. My eyes scan the room, spotting framed pictures of me and Peter from our childhood.

It's a small room, but it has every single detail I would have predicted Peter to have, including a little crack in the tan painted wall. The computer on his desk is old, bit of stains on the back. Bunch of other tech gadgets laying around.

There's a "The Spider" poster on the wall from 5 years ago, the same one he showed me when he came home from the book fair at his school.

"Look! You really are a hero," Peter flashes a toothy grin up at me as he holds the poster in front of my face.

I reach for the poster and chuckle when I see the image of myself spread out across a whole poster, little illustrations thrown here and there with big, heroic block letters spelling out "The Spider."

"They didn't even try to get my good side," I frown with a tilt of my head, smiling when I see Peter trying to take a peek at the angle. Rolling the poster up, I tap it on the top of his head before Mom and Dad call us to the dining room for dinner.

I move over to the framed image of me, Peter, Mom, and Dad. We all look so happy. Mom made us sit still for a Christmas photo.

"What the fu–" I widen my eyes and turn around, slapping my hand over Peter's mouth before he can finish yelling.

His eyes widen as I place my finger over my lips in a shushing manner, "Keep your voice down. I will explain everything..." I trail off when he nods furiously.

Pulling my hand down, I have to swallow a lump in my throat as I look at him. My hands squeeze his biceps, I observe his facial structure intently.

He looks like Dad.

"So you. You are alive? Like for real?" My lips hesitate but pull up into a soft smile, "I'm alive, Pete."

We sit down on his bed and I let him ask me questions, to which I answer. It takes a bit but I share my entire story with him, the expo, HYDRA, being locked up, Wanda, Pietro, the Avengers.

I tell him everything, if I am going to get this second chance, I'm gonna do it right this time.

"The Avengers gave you a shot? That's kinda cool, I guess...So do you go on missions with Captain America and Iron Man?"

Chuckling at him, I nod and notice an obituary card taped to Peter's mirror. Standing up with a frown, I walk over to it and see Uncle Ben's face smiling back at me. My legs get wobbly as I tap the card, turning my head to Peter.

"What happened?"

He ducks his head down as he closes his eyes, "It's's a long story."

"Peter," I urge, not talking more because I don't trust my voice to stay steady.

"You were gone, it was just me and May. One day Ben and I were walking on the streets when some scary looking bald dude told him to 'stop looking' and then when Ben argued back, he shot him."

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