Chapter 40 || Melina

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I graduated college! So I am back :) Hopefully looking to update much more often.

Anyways hi!

Jayce POV

We land with a heavy thud and Alexei smacks his face onto the metal ground of the "jet."

Smiling proudly, I release Natasha and Yelena from my grip and lower them to the floor with a happy sigh.

"That was satisfying."

Natasha smirks and helps me down while Yelena just swats at webs on her shoulders, crinkling her face up in disgust, "That was disgusting. It feels like sticky macaroni."

I hop down and take some webbing out of Nat's hair, cupping her cheek gently and placing a soft kiss to her nose while Alexei groans, holding his nose as he gets back to his feet.

The big man glares at me, "You let me fall."

"You're the reason we crash-landed," I flash a toothy grin and pull open the door, allowing the girls to exit first but as Alexei goes to exit I step in front of him and walk out, jumping down from the little ledge and landing on the dirt.

"Natasha, I do not like this web person."

"Thanks for the input, Alexei. I don't care," Natasha sighs and looks at the smoking chopper while Yelena just stares out into the mountains.

Alexei glances at the chopper and kicks a rock at it, "You should've brought the Avengers' super-jet."

Me and Natasha both look at him, then at one another, roll our eyes, and walk away, catching up with Yelena who just stares ahead, "I swear, if I hear one more word from him, I will kick him in the face."

"He's the worst," Tasha sighs.

"Natasha. Natasha! Natasha, come here. I want to ask you something. Come, it's important," Alexei whispers but so loudly it makes my ears nearly bleed.

I keep my gaze focused on the trail ahead of us, trying to gauge where we are and where we are supposedly going. My eyes catch wind of the surroundings. Nothing but hills and trees. Some too far apart for me to try and swing from.

Not much access for an escape route for me. Looks like I'm going to be on foot.

My God I miss the city.

"You are good to her."

Frowning, I glance down at the short blonde but Yelena keeps her eyes ahead, only smiling slightly.

She's talking about Natasha. But I gather that her statement has more meaning than just that. She's happy to see Natasha being so open, so accepting of affection and joy.

I can't say I blame her. She's never seen Natasha this way before, I saw the way she looked at us in that air duct the other day. She's surprised that the once stone cold, tough older sister she once knew, numb to any form of love or vulnerability, is now softer, more welcoming and warm.

Not like I saw it coming either.

"She deserves the best," I reply and she hums, nodding quickly before we hear Natasha's voice get louder, angrier.

"Wait. You haven't seen either one of us in 20 years and you're gonna ask me about you?"

Alexei stuffs his hands in his pockets and shrugs while stepping away, "What is with this tension? Did I do something wrong?"

"Is that a serious question?" Yelena nearly chuckles at that while rubbing at her forehead, clearly dumbfounded at the man who acted as her father for years' idiocy.

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