Chapter 29 || Underoos

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An even LONGER chapter this time! Enjoy :) Or not, idk :)

Jayce POV

While we watch the security broadcast I snap my eyes down to my arms when the hair rises and my spider-senses kick in. I widen my eyes and look around the room, standing up and going over to the glass, knocking on it to get Natasha's attention.

She raises an eyebrow at me and goes to turn around but I shake my head and lift my arm, showing her the raised hairs.

She frowns and then looks around the room until the lights all go out.

"Shit," I hiss and run to the door that's now no longer electronically locked.

Natasha comes over to me and hands me a black tote bag, "Come on." She grips my arm and pulls me into a side room and closes the door while everyone shouts frantically, trying to get the power back up.

"What is this?" I ask and open the bag, seeing my suit inside.

Smiling now, I look up but she looks away from me, "Just put it on."

"Why are you helping me?"

No response.

Sighing, I quickly change and put my other clothes in the bag, which she quickly takes and goes to the door but I grab her wrist, dropping my head.


Natasha pauses, lifting her head slightly and releasing an exhausted breath before turning to face me, "You're being mean. I was worried."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"No you're not. You're just sorry you got caught."

I straighten up and gulp, knowing that in a way she is right. I didn't mean to upset her but it was a conscious choice that I made.

She's too good at reading me.

"We knew this wouldn't be easy," I mutter and she sighs, "I know, okay? I know that. But now because of what you did in Romania, you are an actual criminal. Ross hates you now more than ever. And it isn't going to end with just that, is it?"

I look down at my mask and feel tears threatening their way out of my eyes. She must notice because she comes over and places her hands softly on my cheeks, "Jay, I just...never ignore me like that again."

I nod in her hands and then think of the one person I haven't seen since we were home.

"How's Wanda?"

"She's safe..."

The way Natasha trails off sets off red flags in my head and I frown, "Where is she."

"At the compound. With Vision."

Tony's trapping her there. Like it's her own little prison.

"Wow. You locked her up?"

"No! Not me. I tried to talk him out of it but he was trying to protect her, keep her safe and away from the governments of the world. She isn't a US citizen, Jayce, and she's the most powerful of us all–" "She lost her brother and her parents, Natasha! She's scared shitless and I'm not there to look out for her!"

"She's a big girl, Jay, just calm down, please. Vision is protecting her."

"If you're going to say that then use the right damn word. He's holding her fucking hostage. Just like back at HYDRA."

She closes her eyes and takes a breath, "Can we please not fight again? I don't have much left in me. I can't keep arguing with you."

I stare down at her and scoff, shaking my head in disbelief. They trapped Wanda at the compound. Whether it's fancy or not, a cell is a cell. She doesn't deserve that. Not in the slightest.

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