Chapter 65 || Broke

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Hello and you're welcome for this ahead of time ;)

You know what to do!

Natasha POV

When my alarm doesn't wake me up, I frown and look at the open curtains that's allowing an overwhelming amount of sunlight in through the window, then turn over to see Jayce walking into my room with a tray and a soft smile on her face.

"What's going on?" I rasp out, blinking the sleep out of my eyes as I sit up. She chuckles and sits on the bed, placing the tray between us with a small shrug.

"Wanted to do something nice for the women carrying our two children so...I made you breakfast."

My eyes fall to the tray, spotting toast, eggs, bacon, orange juice, fruit, and silver dollar pancakes. Instantly, my heart beats a little bit faster in my chest at the sweet gesture she's made. I even notice the small little flower she has placed on the corner of the tray and as I reach for it, she breathes out a light laugh.

"I may or may not have swiped that from Tony's house."

A laugh escapes my mouth as I observe the flower and look up to her, "Thank you. You didn't have to do this."

Jayce's eyes move to the tray as her shoulders rise and fall with ease, meeting my gaze again with a soft, glowing look in her eyes, "I wanted to."

I wait for the moment I actually wake up, not believing that this could truly be real life right now. Sure Jayce has done nice things for me before but this was for one, completely unexpected and two, after last night I figured she'd be weirded out by me telling her I want her all to myself.

But here she is, bringing me breakfast in bed. Still, despite the kind gesture, there's always a catch with Jayce Parker.

"What did you do?" I frown, narrowing my eyes at the blonde who stares at me with a confused expression that soon turns to faux hurt as she places a hand to her chest.

"Can't I just do something nice for the woman carrying our children without any reason behind it?"

Making sure to track her eyes as she speaks, I notice the little glance down that she does, a clear tell that she is trying to get the courage to tell me something. With a light chuckle, I nod, picking up a piece of toast, "Of course you can. But you're Jayce Parker and I can tell when you're hiding something. Spill."

Jayce meets my gaze and instantly cracks, groaning as she tilts her head back, "Fine. I sort of got pulled into a mission with Steve."

Instantly feeling my heart drop, remembering the last time she was on a mission and how she got poisoned, I frown, "Can't Tony go?"

"He's a new dad, he can't go."

"Yeah and you're about to be a new mom..." I sigh as I see the pointed look she gives me and shrug, "What's the mission?"

Jayce bites down on her lip softly before looking up at the ceiling, "Just...crashing a party on a yacht."

My eyes narrow down, knowing that there's more but Jayce grins, kisses my forehead, steals a strip of bacon and flips off the bed, "I'll be back before you know it. I promise."

"Jayce Cameron Parker, what kind of party!" I slap my hand on my bed and feel a pout, not wanting her to leave or not be around today, not wanting to sit and worry while her and Steve are doing something dangerous while I have to sit here and be...well, pregnant.

"Just some jerks who may or may not have intensely lethal drugs they're trying to transport and distribute around. That, and they have stolen goods from Wakanda."

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