Chapter 24 || Date Night

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Wee Woo :)

Jayce POV

We watch as Fury goes through the files. He has called Steve in to take a look and the man doesn't look very pleased. If anyone hates Rumlow more than I do, it's probably Steve Rogers.

The man thought he destroyed HYDRA back in the day only to find out they were growing like a fungus right beneath everyone's noses.

"I'll round up a team. We'll leave first thing in the morning. Nat, Jayce, you're on this. Sam and Wanda will be notified as well. On the jet at 6 am sharp."

We both nod and dismiss ourselves, Natasha humming as she grabs a water from the fridge and joins me down the hallway to my room.

She sits on my bed and starts sipping on her water while I take my jacket off.

"So dinner. Still down?" She questions me with a light smirk on her face that makes me chuckle.

"Might wanna get ready if you want me taking you out to dinner."

"Who said anything about you taking me out? I was the one who brought it up so I'm buying."

She smiles at me cheekily and I want to argue but decide not to. She makes a fair point. I will say, being an Avenger has its benefits. Tony pays us decently well, along with Nick Fury. Each mission success is a bonus, too.

Being the "Friendly Neighborhood Spider" didn't pay much, especially not when I was in high school. It's even harder when people don't know your real identity.

"Fine. You're buying. But I got next time."

"Next time? There's going to be a second date? Wow, I must be great on a first date."

Oh. This kind of is like a first date. Holy shit. I don't remember the last time I actually went on a date. I slept around in college but before that it was...Gwen. It's been years. Oh crap, I'm getting nervous.

A hand on my arm pulls me out of my panic. I snap my head to Natasha who has a warm, calming smile on her face.

"Stop overthinking it. It's just us. Putting the word 'date' on us getting dinner isn't that big of a deal."

She's right. It's just us. We are getting some food. Just dinner.

"Just dinner."

"Just dinner," She reassures and leans up to kiss me sweetly, rubbing my cheek with her thumb before she pulls away and her eyes do that thing where they smile more than her own mouth.

She's good at talking with her eyes. Really good.

"I'm gonna get dressed. I'll come back in 30 minutes, okay?"

I nod and clear my throat whilst she walks away. Once the door is shut I grunt and sprint over to my closet, "Shit shit shit. Gotta look hot. Pretty girl, date, gotta look hot. Fuck fuck fuck!"

For the next 5 minutes I throw clothes everywhere until my entire floor and bed is covered in scattered clothing.

Groaning, I close my eyes and rub my temples, "Everything's fine. Just be cool. It's Natasha, Natasha's chill, easy to talk to...but it is a first date, you haven't been on a first date in over 7 years."

I pace back and forth, then unknowingly shoot webs all around the room, pacing some more. I only stop when my head hits the wall. That's when I realize that I somehow ended up on the ceiling.

Sighing, I drop down and go back to the closet, looking through shirts again.

Finally, I decide on a long sleeve maroon button up with black pants. I buckle a belt and roll up the sleeves, unbuttoning the top button and release a deep breath before grabbing some hair gel and slicking some pieces back, leaving one blonde piece dangling.

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