Chapter 46 || Wanda

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Natasha POV

"This is it," I gesture to the structure after I decloak it with the code Melina made and Steve stares in awe.

"It's like hiding in plain sight."

"Exactly like that actually. Not very smart this one," Yelena justs her thumb back at him, getting a pointed glare from the super soldier and a small laugh from Wanda that follows Yelena to the front door.

Once inside, we are met with Melina and Alexei flipping through data and logs until they hear us and turn, Alexei's eyes immediately falling on Steve.

"Oh this is going to be good," Yelena smirks, nudging me with a low chuckle. Attempting to not make a scene, I stifle my laugh and keep on a hard expression but it isn't easy when Steve grins.

"Hi. I'm Steve Rogers."

Alexei's eyes widen as he stands up, "Captain America."

"Yes, that's um, that's correct." Steve, nervously, scratches the back of his head and looks to me, "So I hear that you are Natasha's adopted family in a sense?"

Smirking proudly, Alexei goes to speak but Melina cuts him off quickly, "Yes. I have heard great things of you, Captain. It is nice to put face to name."

Holding her hand out, Melina shakes Steve's hand until they release and Steve goes to shake Alexei's hand but pauses when he sees the look on Alexei's face.

The air quickly grows tense in the room and I steal a quick glance at a very amused Yelena and a very confused Wanda. My irritation rises when Alexei goes to hit Steve but Rogers swiftly dodges it and, in one motion, pushes his hand into Alexei's back, making the man stumble forward and catch himself on the wall.

God I don't have time for this.

My eyes catch onto the security footage in the corner, seeing Jayce tapping against the glass, sitting in the corner. She looks bored.

And I hate seeing her locked up. Those cuffs have started draining her clearly. I haven't seen her in 24 hours and she looks paler than when I left.

Wanda follows my eyes and spots the monitor, a shocked and fearful look flashing on her face.

I try to read her as she steps closer to the screen, lifting her fingers to touch it, tracing the walls of Jayce's captivity and practically shivering, making a weight fall onto my shoulders and a blast of ice smashing into my chest.

Seeing Jayce locked up must be triggering her. Mentally kicking myself now, I think about how scared Jayce probably is, being reminded of her days back in HYDRA, constrained and contained in a cell.

"Do we have a problem?" Steve huffs and I turn back to the men now, watching as Alexei smirks and stands tall, placing his hands on his hips in some lame attempt of a hero pose.

"I am the Red Guardian. And you, Captain America, are my foe. Well frenemy, you see, we go way back. You remember that time I stole your shield and beat you with it, yes?"

Steve frowns and tilts his head, ", no I do not. When was this?"

"You know..." He shrugs and smiles, "'83-'84."

Snorting, I shake my head while Yelena looks at me curiously. Laughing, I wave her off and point to Alexei, "Are-are you serious? Steve was still in the ice then. You're full of crap, just like you always have been."

Now Yelena laughs, "Ha! Why am I not surprised that you have once again lied?"

Alexei frowns and glares at me, "You two are calling me liar?"

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