Chapter 66 || The Twins

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Little bit shorter than usual but it's to the point and important ;) 

You know what to do

Jayce POV

Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap.

Everything inside of me feels like it has its own heartbeat, everything is moving so quickly, Tony and Pepper are here, Steve appeared out of nowhere, Helen Cho is here and Tony called in some other OB's and nurses to help out and help us keep a low profile.

So we are using the compound's medical wing and Tony had it all cleaned up enough to turn one of the room's into a delivery room, the same one Pepper used with Morgan.

"Oh fuck!" Natasha cries out and I snap out of my thoughts quickly and maneuver around everyone to stand beside the mother of my children.

She looks up at me, her hair getting caught in the sweat pooling on the skin of her face. Her eyebrows are pulled tightly together as she clenches her teeth and frantically reaches her hand for mine, desperately gripping onto me.

"It's okay, you're doing great, just breathe like you practiced," I try and soothe her and she follows along with my breathing for a moment until another contraction hits and she cries out again.

Tony, Pepper, and Steve are outside the room, waiting for the babies while they watch Morgan. I whimper as she tightens her grip on me, my knuckles basically grinding together as they touch. Nat snaps her head up at me and grunts, "You think that hurts? You try pushing human beings out of you and you let me know what hurts more!"

My jaw drops at her frustrated comment but I look to Helen who smiles sympathetically yet shakes her head in a way to tell me not to test Natasha today. Which is a very fair point. I don't like making her angry to begin with but right now she's seeing red and seeking out murder.

"Alright, Miss Romanoff. You're almost dilated enough, I'll let you know when it's time to push."

Natasha whines and nods, the nurses using wet cloths to help with the sweat and heat coming off of her body. Her head tilts back up to me as she sniffles, "Jay, I can't do this. I can take a bullet, some hits, a fall, anything, but this? This I can't do."

Her voice is breaking up, like cries are crawling their way through her throat but I just shake my head with a beaming smile as my heart continues to thud in my chest, using my still intact hand to brush the hair away from her face and cup her cheek.

"You can do this, Natalia. I'm right here, you're not alone. You can do this. You're doing so great already, our babies are almost here," My voice cracks a bit at the end as the realization actually starts to settle on my chest.

I'm going to be a parent. With Natasha Romanoff.

After a few more contractions, Helen settles between Natasha's wide open legs and nods as the other doctor and nurses prepare.

"Alright, Natasha. Time to start pushing!"

"Come on, doll. You can do this," I encourage and she cries out as she begins the process of pushing. Veins appear pushing against the neck of her skin, that one on her forehead becomes so big I worry it'll pop but my vision itself gets a little rocky the harder she squeezes my hand.

"Ahhhhh!" Natasha screams out but breathes heavily as she sits back in the bed, tears pouring out of her eyes, "I can't do it! I can't do it."

Her fear and pain throw little knives at my heart as I place a kiss to the top of her head, "You're Natasha Romanoff. You can do anything. Come on, I got you. Take it all out on me."

She looks up at me weakly but a switch flips and her face turns to that determined Black Widow look I know and love all too well.

Within moments she's sitting up, grunting as she pushes and pushes, following Helen's direction until she breathes out loudly, her body falling back. I look at Natasha but my heart freezes in my chest when a little baby's cries fill the room.

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