Chapter 16 || The Truth Comes Out

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Heyoooo Attendance Time :)

Jayce POV

When I'm in the lab with Tony, telling him about the radioactive spider, an alarm goes off on his monitor. It shows an attack in the middle of the streets of NYC.

"Are those Ultron bots?" I frown and Tony sighs, "Yep. Might as well suit up. Get Widow, I'll grab Rogers and Maximoff."

I nod, quickly going to leave but I stop, "Don't ask Wanda. I don't want her seeing those bots."

Tony glances at me and nods, looking down as he remembers what happened to Pietro. Sighing, I walk to the lockers but pass by the training room, seeing Natasha fighting holographic threats with her knives.

I open the door and widen my eyes, catching the knife she throws at me, "Seriously?"

She stops and realizes it's me, smirking while she shuts down the training program, "What's up?"

"An attack in Midtown Manhattan. Ultron bots, some goons. Tony's getting Cap. I came to grab you."

She breathes, catching her breath from the workout and sips on some water before following me out of the room and down to the women's locker room where we start getting changed into our suits.

I glance over at Natasha, watching as she adjusts her Widow Bites on her wrists and places her electro-shock batons in their holsters on her back. I slip into my suit but the zipper gets stuck in the back.

Grunting, I tug on it but Natasha comes over with a light laugh, "Allow me."

She swats my hands away and fiddles with the zipper until it pulls up and Nat smiles at me through the little mirror in my locker.

"That zipper's a bitch," I whine and she just shrugs, smiling at me, "Sometimes things that are stuck just need some help."

I glance up at her again through the reflection but see that her attention and thoughts are elsewhere as she looks over the back of me, her hands on my biceps mindlessly squeezing slightly.

My cheeks start to heat up a bit until she snaps out of her little daze and pats my shoulder, "Mask up, let's get this over with. You and I have plans after." She smirks at me, winking, before she walks out of the room.

I stand, completely stunned as to what just happened. There was a moment. Brief, but there was a moment right?

Natasha's been acting a bit strange lately. When she helped me at the party last week and we had that little moment. Then all of our nights of sexcapades lately she has started to seem upset when I leave to sleep in my own room.

I can't lie, I want to stay and hold her, feel her head on my chest until the sun comes up, but she wanted us to have rules. So we made them.

And sleepovers is a no no.

Is she changing her mind?

Sighing, I go out to meet the team on the jet. Steve hands me my communication device that I put in my ear, pull my mask on and we get the run-down of what's going on.

Some assholes got their hands on Ultron remnants from the Battle of Sokovia and pieced them together to make their own little robot army.

Wannabe Iron Mans if you ask me.

"Alright, Romanoff, you're with me on the ground. Tony you handle the ones on the tops of the buildings. Don't let them touch the civilians. And Parker? Web 'em up. We can't have any of them getting leftover materials from the tower. I don't doubt that is their goal."

I nod and we land atop the old Avengers' building, getting out and looking down at the mayhem. There are tons of them. Police officers are evacuating the streets while the bots and the goons are ripping through buildings, but the ones trying to get to the inside of the tower we are on are the most worrisome.

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