Chapter 61 || Zodiac

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Hey Jaytasha shippers :) You know what to do🫡😊

Jayce POV

I'm going to be a mom.

Me, Jayce Cameron Parker, a parent.

While it has only been about a week since I've been back at the compound, I've wanted to dive back into things, keep myself busy. So Tony and I have been working together on my therapeutic VR machine.

We decided to pair up his BARF technology and my own creation...that I have yet to name.

"You need to call it something."

"Like BARF? Rather not," I snort as I configure the machinery to latch onto my hippocampus.

"It stands for Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing, it just so happens to have an unfortunate acronym. And I find it hilarious." Tony waves his little zap pen as he focuses on the projector.

"Well mine doesn't stand for that. And ours is not going to be called BARF. What about the others who worked on it? Surely you had help making this."

I type in some extra configurations and input more data, grunting in frustration as I realize that I left nearly everything I needed back in Australia.

"How about...Memory Augmented Therapeutic Holography?"

"MATH?" I chuckle, but see Tony shrug nonchalantly, "All I got. When you find a better name, which you won't because I'm a genius, you come tell me. Now, where is this previous 'data' you spoke of?"

"Australia," I mutter, peeling a protective wrap off the stickers and placing them on my temples. While Tony sets up the chair to analyze my memories and traumatic events, I hear the clicking of Natasha's boots coming towards the door.

She walks in and stares at us, "What exactly are you two doing?"

"MATH," Tony beams, which only leaves Natasha more confused. She glances at me expectantly, waiting for me to translate, that I of course do.

"Memory Augmented Therapeutic Holography...we're still working on the name. It's a system I created back in Australia. Utilizing the technology from the company that hired me, I was able to concoct technology that taps into a person's hippocampus and creates an illusion of a person you wish to speak to, dead or alive."

Natasha slowly nods as she catches herself up to speed, but frowns, "Didn't Tony make something similar?"

"I am glad you remember, Agent Romanoff. BARF was truly a creation for the books, wasn't it?" Tony grins and pats his old little machine like a proud dad. I guess it's fitting.

I shake my head and look at Natasha, not ignoring the fact that every single time I look at her I glance at her stomach, as if my brain is making sure that this isn't all a dream and is reassuring me that the baby is healthy and still okay.

"It's different. What Tony created allows one to relive a traumatic memory. With my creation, you can speak to a lost loved one or someone of your memory in present time. It's a way to still have part of them even if they're gone."

Her gaze lingers on me before a monitor screen catches her attention, the computers have analyzed and created Gwen from my memory on the screen. Out of nervousness and full awareness that I now have an audience, I bite down on my lip as the projector forms Gwen's figure, facial details nearly perfect with a few glitches.

"Is that?" Natasha trails off slightly while I feel my cheeks growing increasingly red with anxious nerves.

"Gwen," I finish for her and Natasha walks closer to her, "Does she talk?"

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