Chapter 15 || Haunted

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Natasha POV

I hate these fucking rules. If I kept dancing with her then that bitch would've never said shit. I can see how much it affected her.

Seeing her like that, looking so scared and insecure, hearing what that girl had to say about Jayce made me livid. I wanted to do so much more than twist her arm.

When we get back, Jayce goes to her room and I follow her, getting out clothes for her to sleep in. She's still a little drunk, I watched how many drinks she had. Tony's a bad influence when it comes to that, he once got Steve so drunk the man and Tony switched roles and he climbed into one of Tony's suits while Tony got the shield.

Basically whenever you drink around Tony it becomes a competition to see who can handle their liquor better.

I hand Jayce her clothes and turn around to allow her to change into the t-shirt and boxers. When she says she's done I turn back around and smile down at her.

She looks absolutely stunning. It makes my cheeks flush just seeing her sometimes. I can't help it and I don't know if I can deny the effect she has on me anymore.

When she looks into the mirror, though, she places a hand over her crotch, her eyes dropping down. I can see the thoughts running in her head, the shame that girl made her feel.

Pushing the burning anger aside, I walk over and place my hands on the back of her shoulders, smiling at her through the mirror.

"Your body is perfect just the way it is," I speak softly, reaching around her front to move her hand away.

I walk to the front of her and try to get her to look at me but she won't. Her breathing is broken, telling me she's trying not to cry again and her eyes are nearly hidden from me, another hint that she already has tears building up.

Carefully reaching up, I place a finger under her chin and tilt it towards me, making her face me.

Her soft green eyes with tear stained red around them nearly break me apart. My chest constricts as my heart aches for the beautiful person in front of me.

"Is that how the team sees me? Everyone sees me? As...gross? Unnatural?"

Instantly I shake my head and cup her cheeks gently, taking a step closer to her.

"No. And do not ever think like that. The team, we're your family now. No one thinks you're disgusting. They love you for you."

She smiles a bit but starts to frown nervously, "And you?"

My heart stammers in my chest, I tilt my head adoringly up at her and feel the emotions bubbling up. There's no stopping them right now. She needs me and I can't just walk away. I can't run right now.

Even if it is breaking a rule of the feelings or whatever it is, I don't care right now.

"I think you are perfect the way you are."

Jayce's eyes glimmer a bit and for a second I think about running. I want to. She's looking at me in a way that makes me feel too special, too important to her.

It's overwhelming. I want to run.

Not right now, Natasha. You can't right now.

"Thank you, for what you did. You didn't have to do that," Her voice comes out in a hoarse whisper before she pulls me into her, wrapping her arms around me desperately.

I stand still for a moment, my body freezing up but when her warmth takes over, that scent of her cologne filling me up. I hug her back, my hands on her back, allowing my head to fall onto her shoulder.

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