Chapter 7 || A Good Team

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Fury has called them all into meetings nearly every day the past week and not one of them involved me. Even Wanda has been going out on recon missions.

Yet I'm still on the sidelines.

After I notice this briefing is finally over, I open the door and walk up to Fury, "Where the hell do you get off? Telling me I can be on this lame ass team but keeping me away from the action? What the fuck is that about?"

He raises an eyebrow at my anger and crosses his arms over his chest, "I don't know what you mean."

"Yes you do. Even Wanda is going on recon missions! All while I am stuck training the same boring shit every damn day, swinging from the same little playground you installed into the training room. I've been here earning everyone's trust for a month. When is it finally going to be my turn, eyepatch?"

The tall man clears his throat and nods, then waves someone over. I hear heels clicking against the floor, telling me that it's most likely Natasha.

"I have been getting updates from the team on your progress and Agent Romanoff believes you are not ready yet to be an Avenger."

Scoffing, I turn my head towards the redhead but she avoids my gaze. Instead, she looks up at Fury and nods.

"Her skills are impressive but she has yet to reach ideal potential for a real life mission, not just fighting against one of us on a mat in a confined space."

My blood begins to boil. She's lying. She knows damn well that I am ready to go on a mission, but she's icing me out. Ever since last week when we had our little make out moment, she's been avoiding me, being more mean than usual.

Wanda started out as their enemy too, so why am I the one being punished?

I'm not going to let her do this.

"She's lying."

He glances down at me curiously, frowning in suspicion while his gaze alternates between her and I.

"Excuse me?"

Natasha glances at me for less than a second before she shifts her weight uncomfortably.

"She told you that because she doesn't trust me. Thinks I'm too...what is it? Am I too arrogant? Selfish? Distracting?" She scoffs and rolls her eyes at me, "The Spider shows signs of textbook narcissism."

Dropping my jaw in shock of her ugly words, I break out into a fit of laughters, going over to sit on the table. She ignores me but Fury turns his attention to me, "She said the same thing about Tony Stark."

"Yeah? Well I don't see him keeping the bench warm."

He eyes both of us skeptically and clears his throat, "Follow me."

I watch as he leaves the room, Natasha turning to follow but stopping and turning to glare at me.

"I'm trying to help you. You're not ready for this."

"You don't know what I'm ready for," I hiss at her and leave the room, making sure to bump her shoulder as I do so, following Fury until we reach Tony's lab where he's working up on his own suit design.

"Tony Stark, just the man I wanted to see," Fury pats his back, making Tony frown up at him.

"I gotta say Nick Fury, you are just the man I don't want to see."

I smirk at his comment, but quickly wipe my smile away. Secretly, yes, Tony Stark has grown on me. He's kind of a funny dude, I can't lie. I especially love how easily he gets under Cap's skin.

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