Chapter 41 || It Was Real To Me

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Attendance Timeeeee

Jayce POV

We all are seated around a table, me to Nat's left and Yelena in front of me, Melina to her left all whilst Alexei grunts from the bathroom.

"What the hell is he doing in there?" I whisper and Natasha just shakes her head.

My eyes move to Melina, studying the woman closely, trying to understand why I am so thrown off by her.

"Let's drink," she says while pouring shots of vodka. Her eyes meet mine briefly, a quick glance of recognition crossing her gaze before she looks down after handing me a shot.

Before I can think any deeper, a door slaps open and loud boots clack against the floor until we see Alexei emerge in a red suit and helmet, a dumb little smile on his face.

"Still fits," He proudly states and Melina catcalls at him with a whistle.

My face contorts into a look of disgust at the two's interaction and Yelena sighs, "Oh my God."

Alexei cackles and Melina grins, "I never washed it once."

"Dear God, that's disgusting," I mumble and Yelena just rolls her eyes while Natasha glares daggers at Alexei walking over and sitting.

Melina pours him a drink while the man starts singing a tune, "Rise, you workers of salvation."

My eyes widen at that song and instantly flashes of memories cross in my mind.

"Rise, you workers of salvation, for the tyrants fear your might. Don't cling so hard to your possessions, for you have nothing, if you have no rights. Let racist ignorance be ended, for respect makes the empires fall, freedom is merely privilege extended..."

I stare up in the lab as they take another vial of blood from me, handing it off to a woman with sleek black hair while she hums whatever song this is.

She is standing at a desk, back facing me while observing a glass case with a spider inside.

Another HYDRA agent approaches the woman, whispering something in her ear and she hums, "Get her ready."

Frowning, I look around as people start to crowd me, hooking me up to a bunch of machines and I shake my head, "No. What the hell are you doing to me?"

"No need to worry, Spider. This will only hurt a lot." The woman's voice rings out as the song only crescendos and she turns, a sickening smile on her face, a metal rod in hand.

"You have not been obedient in your training. Disobedience breeds punishment."

"Please. No more. Just leave me alone," I grumble but shocks go through my body, causing me to jolt and scream out in pain. My eyes stare at the machines hooked up to me, all prepared to send electric shocks throughout every single nerve of mine.

The woman approaches and raises the metal rod, then presses it into my chest. Once she hits a button, an even more powerful shock shoots through me.

My hand shatters the shot glass as my eyes remain on Melina, mind reeling at everything I just unpacked.

Everyone looks at me, Natasha places a hand on my arm, "Are you okay?"

Melina's eyes rest on me, I can see that she knows I remember now but she doesn't seem hostile. She seems regretful. Almost apologetic.

She was the one who tortured me. She helped HYDRA. But why? The Red Room isn't HYDRA.

"Jayce," Natasha speaks again and I look towards her, noticing the worry etched into her face as she tries to read me. She calculates my expression, then glances over at Melina and frowns even more.

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