Chapter 63 || Double

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Hi friends :) You know what to do

1 Month Later

Jayce POV

Wind whooshes past me like a cool breeze as I swing through Queens. People look up at me and smile with a tiny wave as I zip in between driving cars.

"It's The Spider! She's back!" A guy cheers as he runs out of his convenient store.

Chuckling to myself, I offer him a wave before I swing up onto the train tracks. I spot the robbers up ahead. I tapped into the police radios to look for any trouble and these goons issued a bomb threat on the train just so they can scare people and trap them to rob them of their money.

The 5 guys have guns and ski masks on, yanking people out of train cars.

I climb up onto the stopped train and waltz over, plopping myself down to sit over the edge and tilt my head down at the goons, "Hey guys, what's up?"

They all shoot their heads up to me, one instantly grabbing a woman and pointing a gun to her head, "Make a move, Spider, and I blow her brains out."

With a long sigh, I shake my head, "Aw, man. You really got me on that one–" I cut myself off by shooting a web at the hand holding the gun and throwing him towards his buddy.

"Everyone clear out! It'll all be over soon!" I shout as calmly as possible. I jump off the train car, landing with a punch to the gun guy's cheek. He grunts as he stands up, swinging at me but I duck, then feel my senses go off, alerting me of another guy coming from behind.

I jump up, shooting out webs from both wrists, latching onto two guys and closing my hands, forcing them towards one another until they collide.

"That all you guys got? Don't you have guns?" I snort, turning as I see another coming at me with a knife that I dodge. Behind him, his friend appears with a gun, shooting at me but I dodge each bullet, leaning to the right, ducking, jumping up, grabbing the gun mid-air and landing on my feet behind him, pistol-whipping him, knocking him out.

I lift my head when my senses go off again, hearing two guys click their guns on each side of me, front and back.

One nods his head, "Nowhere to go now, insect."

Frowning behind my mask, I narrow my eyes in the lenses and raise my hands up, "Okay, first of all, a spider is an arachnid. So that's just disrespectful. Second of all, you're right. You totally got me. Where shall I go? I am facing death right in the eyes, oh woe is me, how ever shall I go on?" I dramatically place my hand to my chest, faux-sniffling as they grunt and start shooting.

Timing it just right, I jump up, shooting a web at a civilian behind one goon and pulling him away as they instead shoot one another in my absence. Right as I pulled the civilian away, a bullet whizzed past a robber, hitting into the metal train right where the civilian was previously standing.

He looks up at me with a grateful smile, "Thank you, Spider."

"All in a day's work," I salute and hear the police running up the steps of the station, guns at the ready. They stop in their tracks when they see all 5 men groaning on the ground and 2 of them brutally injured from shooting each other.

I turn to the police and shrug, "Sorry guys. We tried to wait for you but uh...I got a little excited."

They look at me, completely flabbergasted at my work until the chief comes up, making my heart stop in my chest. His face changes between his own and Gwen's father, causing my face to heat up and my chest to burn.

"Good work, Spider. Thanks for getting here in time to save the people. We've missed you around these parts." He places a hand on my shoulder, to which I nearly stumble backwards but I blink a few times, seeing his face morphing back into his own, causing the oxygen to finally release from my lips.

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