Chapter 13 || Nightmares

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Jayce POV

That night isn't an easy one. I can hear voices everywhere until the nightmare ensues and I'm a slave of my own mind. The darkness has ensnared me into its tight grip, not letting me see anything but.

"This isn't you, Jay," blue eyes meet my own, her soft hand grazing my cheek, burning through the black fabric of the HYDRA Spider suit.

I look down at her and whimper, "It is now."

Her head shakes side to side, a smile coating her features whilst she pulls the whole mask off, breathing out an adoring smile before wrapping her arms around me, her head resting on my chest.

"You aren't a killer. You are no monster. They don't know you."

My heart clenches in my chest, her scent still smelling exactly the same, warm, vanilla like with a hint of strawberry. The longer we hug, the louder the noise around us gets until she slips from my grip and starts falling.

No. Not again.

"GWEN!" I scream and dive down, chasing after her while her arms reach up to me, the fear in her eyes making sweat bead all over my body.

I shoot a web at her, latching onto her middle before I hold onto a pole, grunting as I tie the web to the pole and continue to dive down.

She stops falling but I hear the snap.

That fucking snap.

"N-no no no." I whimper and land around her body.

I run towards Gwen's body but when I reach her instead of Gwen it's Natasha. Beside her Gween stands, blood coming out of her nose as she looks at me holding Natasha's limp frame in my arms.

"Everyone you love dies, Jayce. What makes you think she'll be any different?"

I shoot up in bed, covered in sweat until I gather my surroundings, seeing the walls of my room in the compound staring back at me.

Squeezing the bridge of my nose, I sigh and get up, heading to the kitchen to grab a water. On my way back to my room I hear someone mumbling and whimpering. Frowning, I follow the sound and reach Natasha's door.

Pressing my ear up against it, I hear her cries coming through the door.

"Please. I'm sorry. I'll be good," Her voice cries out, breaking before she whimpers more.

"Natasha," I knock on the door but get nowhere. I can't sense another person in there with her. It must be a nightmare.

She and I must have that in common. Slowly, I enter her room and shut it behind me, praying Natasha doesn't kill me.

I turn to face her and see her, eyebrows pulled together as her body tosses and turns, sweat dripping down her being. My legs carry me to the bed, trying to soothe the redheaded woman.

"Natasha sweetheart. It's okay. You're okay."

She whimpers, her body beginning to tremble, "Stay away from her! I'm sorry. Please. Please don't! Stop! Yelena!"

"Nat!" I whisper-shout, placing my hand on her shoulder and shaking her slightly but she groans and pants, breathing too fast for my liking.

"I have no place in the world! I'm nothing..." She whimpers for longer and I start to grow worried and shake her harder, "Natasha wake up!"

She jumps up in bed, eyes flying open as she gasps out in a way that shakes me to my core. Not because it was loud or sharp, but because I could hear the utter fear and torture in the sound, in her eyes.

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