Chapter 49 || Like Old Times

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Jayce POV

My chin smacks into the floor with a painful thud, a groan crawling its way out of my mouth as I sit up, shaking my head like I'm trying to knock the hurt away.

"Watch out, that floor really comes up fast."

I glance up at Natasha and narrow my eyes, tilting my head with a smirk under my new mask but I notice a rip in the fabric on my arm.

"God dammit!" I curse and huff while I flip myself up to my feet and throw a punch but she blocks it, as I figured.

Although, she has her eyes on my arms now, and I've always been quite stealthy with my feet, despite her just tripping me.

I step forward quickly, placing my left foot behind her right leg, all while using my right arm not being squeezed to death by her hand and slicing it through the air until my palm comes in contact with her sternum, forcing her backwards until she hits into my foot and falls.

Before her body can hit the mat, I hold her just above the surface and tilt my head, "What was that?"

Natasha breathes out a sharp puff of air and smiles, the sweat on her forehead and neck making this sparring session all the more hot.

"You got lucky."

"And you ripped my suit."

"Another test-drive failure? You're off your game, Parker."

I pull her to her feet and take my mask off with a frustrated huff, "I don't get it. It should be impenetrable. It's the 3rd trial run I've had."

"What's so different about this suit than the one you had with Stark?"

Chuckling, I shake my head, "With Stark he helped me configure my new suit. My original suit back when I was riding solo before all this Avengers crap was made up of sweatsuit material, cotton, then the spandex but..."

"What was the most recent one made of? Before the disband?"

I look down at the monitors and the voice-control machinery and click my tongue, then clap my hands together, "Jayce, you are a genius."

"You're welcome," Natasha mutters and I smile, kissing her cheek and walking over to my work area.

"Ayo, JANIS! Play time!" I clap to awaken my AI I formed the other day. J.A.N.I.S. Otherwise known as "Jayce And Natasha Intelligent System", but she doesn't know that.

"Morning boss. Training go well?"

"Very well. Can you start up the coffee for Natasha and me? Actually, a whole pot. Once Rogers comes back from his run he'll want some."

"And for Miss Maximoff and Miss Belova?"

Natasha walks over and hums, "Looks like they're having some morning tea already."

I frown and look to her but she just smiles and nods out the window. Following her gaze, I spot the redhead and short blonde sitting outside, talking and laughing at something on Yelena's phone I got and programmed for her.

Wanda's been showing Yelena all of her favorite television shows. Friends has quickly become all I hear in the living room all day long. She got Yelena hooked.

And I can't name a time these past few weeks where those two haven't been in the same room together.

"Would you look at that. Young love."

With a snort, Natasha pats my shoulder and walks into the kitchen where the coffee's brewing.

"Alright, JANIS. Let's make a suit. The Parker 3 was a dead-end. We need to try something else. Pull up all the models."

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