Chapter 20 || Gwen.

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AYOOOOOOO You already know what to do! 

(Warning: Definitely heated at the end and not in the good, happy, steamy way.)

Natasha POV

"Wait wait, so you are saying that you slipped by under name Natalie Rushman? And Tony Stark did not know?" Wanda places her hand on my arm before breaking into laughter on her bed.

It makes me giggle, hearing her restate what I just said and laughing even harder. This has been our routine the past week. We train, we eat, we go for walks, train some more, then come into Wanda's room or mine to sit and talk, watch TV, or just be near each other.

Jayce has brought that Loralai bitch here nearly every single day but we don't really want much to do with her. I don't trust her, and I do not trust her being in the compound while the rest of us are sleeping.

Still, I focus back in on the situation at hand and shrug at Wanda, "He was easy to fool. I had several buttons unbuttoned at all times if you know what I mean. Tony Stark thinks with his genitals at all times."

This makes the Sokovian laugh and I look back at the television, frowning when I see Meredith giving a speech to Derek.

"Ok, here it is. Your choice. It's simple. Her or me. And I'm sure she's really great. But, Derek... I love you... in a really, really big ... 'Pretend to like your taste in music, let you eat the last piece of cheesecake, hold a radio over my head outside your window'...unfortunate way that makes me hate you, love you. So pick me. Choose me. Love me."

It's cheesy. And it's a pathetic thing to do, begging someone to choose you. But I can't help but feel my heart twisting in my chest, crushing in on itself. I can't help it because I so badly want to say this exact same thing to Jayce.

Watching her kiss someone else, laugh with someone else, it hurts. I want it to be me. If I wasn't so freaking stupid.

But I'm like Meredith Grey. I've been through hell and back, I never know who truly cares and who doesn't, it's hard for me to let people in. Beyond hard. But because of all the shit I've been through, it caused me to push away the one person who truly cared, who wanted me for me.

When we hear Vision's voice, we jolt and look at the synthezoid who phased right through the wall. Wanda tilts her head, "Vision you cannot just do that."

"My apologies...Mr. Stark has asked me to notify you both of the celebration he will be throwing in the compound tonight."

I twist my face into a confused frown, "Celebration? Of what?"

Vision ponders for a moment and smiles softly, "Life, Miss Romanoff."

Wanda and I look at each other and chuckle, "Of course," I groan and Wanda smiles up at Vision.

"What time?"

"One hour."

"Great. So punctual."

I stand up and eye down Vision who hasn't taken his eyes off Wanda for some time, making me smile knowingly and tap his shoulder. He turns his attention to me while Wanda pauses the show and looks for something else while she begins to find an outfit.

"Treat her nicely," I whisper and he nods hesitantly, "Of course, Agent Romanoff."

Glancing back at the brunette, I smile at Vision and nod, "See you two in an hour, I guess."

I head to my room to find an outfit, then quickly take a body shower since I washed my hair yesterday, then start to step into a matching pink set, high neck crop with long pants, little designs around it. I throw on simple silver heels and fix up my hair, then get started on my makeup.

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