Chapter 23 || Watch the Road

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Attendance aye :)

Jayce POV

"In position," I mumble to Natasha who turns and starts walking over to me. I stare down the ledge of the roof of the mall and shoot a web down, grabbing the guy by the middle of his back and yanking him up onto the roof.

He yells when I catch him and push him down on the ground.

"This can go one of two ways. Either you give us the drive and we let you walk away unharmed. Or I shove you off this roof and pull it off your corpse."

His eyes stare up at me fearfully before he shakes his head, "That isn't really your style, Parker."

Chuckling, I nod and pull him up to his feet, wiping dirt off his shoulders with a tight-lipped smile. My grip on him releases when he's close enough to the ledge.

"You're right. But it is hers," I smirk when Natasha comes over and kicks him off the roof.

She crosses her arms over her chest, "We should go out to dinner later."

I nod briefly and glance at her, "Where?"

Natasha shrugs, "Still thinking on that one."

Nodding again, I look over the edge and sigh when I see he's close to the ground. I shoot webs down and catch him, yanking him back up and tossing him back on the ground of the roof.

Tilting my head with a proud grin, I kneel in front of him with my hand out, beckoning for him to hand over the drive.

He closes his eyes, wiping the sweat off his forehead before reaching into his pocket and handing me the drive. Smiling, I pat his cheek, "Good boy."

"Are you going to kill me now?" He mutters anxiously but I just shrug, "I could. So could she. But I'm not really in the mood to do that right now so we'll just make sure you get a good night's sleep."

"What does that mea–" Before he could finish Natasha kicks him in the head, immediately knocking him out.

I pull my lips down with wide eyes dramatically, turning to her, "Remind me never to piss you off again."

She smirks and sighs, checking her phone, "Alright. We have about 9 minutes before Rumlow comes and realizes something is wrong."

"There's an Apple store inside. Second floor."

"Lead the way," She smiles and I grab her, making sure no one is around the back of the mall before I shoot a web at the ledge and slowly lower us down to the ground.

We make our way inside, Nat pulling up the hood of my zip up over her head, me putting the glasses on and pulling the cap down further as we take the escalator up and find the Apple store.

I make sure we stay at a walking pace, only glancing around to keep a sharp eye but not with too much movement so that it seems suspicious.

Inside the store we find a computer that I insert the USB drive into.

As it boots up, Natasha checks her phone and grumbles, "the drive has a level six honing program, so as soon as it boots up, HYDRA will know exactly where we are."

"Guess we gotta make this go quicker then," I watch as it finally loads and see that it's a file about the Institute for Infectious Diseases in Lagos, Nigeria.

"What does Rumlow want at the IFID?" I sigh and click around more, Natasha leaning in to get a better look.

"Biological weapons. That sounds promising," Natasha scrolls more and finds that they're trying to make mass weapons of destruction. As per usual.

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