Chapter 42 || Nikolai

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Attendance time!! Since I've been gone from this story for so long, decided to give you a nice long chapter :)

Jayce POV

I wake up with the biggest headache I think I've ever had. I don't get headaches. What the hell is going on?

All I can see is white walls and a bright light overhead.

Groaning, I go to sit up but something's holding me down, stopping me. Restraining me.

My eyes cast to my ankles and wrists, seeing them being strapped down to a table. An operating table.


The Red Room came for us. Did they get away? Are they safe? Natasha? Did Yelena get out in time?

I notice people in lab coats walking around and I start huffing, my mind beginning to reel when I hear them speaking in Russian to one another. I can't make out much of what they're saying, but being locked down to an operating table is definitely never good.

My ears pick up on beeping monitors and a low humming in the room, like a machine.

Alright, ease up, get aware of your surroundings.

Looking around, I spot scalpels, 10-blades, forceps, a cutical scissor, and more surgical cutting tools, along with the humming machine I already heard right near my head, with wires that dangle and connect to...great.

My head.

Each wire is on either side of my head, probably stickied onto my temples.

My body shudders with memories of HYDRA, feeling uncomfortably familiar with such a situation.

I look down at my wrists again and try to shoot a web but instantly grunt as electrical currents zap up both arms, no webs coming out.

Great, restraints subject to shocking me if an attack attempt is made.

"You are awake."

My head snaps up and eyes nearly pop out when I see the familiar face.


She smiles darkly at me, then I see the symbol on her jacket. It's a HYDRA symbol inside the same symbol all the widows in the Red Room have.

Dreykov's been working with them.

"Miss me?" She coos and walks over, another man in a lab coat joining her side with a case. She traces my jaw with her finger but I flinch away, trying to break free of the restraints, "What are you going to do?"

Loralai laughs and nods at the man who opens the case, revealing syringes and a remote. To the machine on my temples.

"Don't worry, darling. Once I'm done with you, you'll be good as new."

She flicks the syringe, some liquid jumping out before inserting it into my neck, making me grunt in pain as I feel the chemicals traveling throughout my every vein.

The last thing I hear is the machine whirring to life, and the feeling of thousands of electrical currents barreling into my brain.

Natasha POV

Face to face with the devil. The man who turned me into the monster I once was, and sometimes still am. The man who took everything away from me, including most of my memories here.

He's going to hurt Yelena, reset her brain to his liking. And I need to get a move on with this plan. If it goes well, I will kill him once and for all and get to Yelena in time.

The only gray area is where Jayce is.

"And Parker?"

Dreykov chuckles and rubs his chin, "The Spider is no longer your concern. We have been watching her for some time, one of my girls helped and now Romanoff brought her to me. It was the perfect plan, all pieces fell into place with that one...I will take care of her."

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