Chapter 32 || London

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:) hello

Jayce POV

Natasha figured out Netflix on the television so of course we are watching Grey's Anatomy and eating. She managed to get beers up here as well so we are just going all out until it's all gone.

She starts smiling brightly at the television when she sees Meredith and Derek, her eyes practically sparkling at the sight of them.

When I take my shirt off so I'm just in a sports bra, I lay down. She smiles over at me and moves to straddle my back.

"What are you up to, Romanoff?"

She giggles above me and reaches over to the nightstand, grabbing the little lotion the hotel provided and drips it onto my back.

"You seem tense. I just want to help relieve some pressure," She mumbles and her hands work into the lotion on my back, pressing down on tight spots in my muscles.

I groan and sigh in satisfaction.

"A free massage huh?" I chuckle and she places a kiss to my shoulder, "Just wanna treat my baby the way she deserves to be treated."

She slides her hands under my sports bra and pushes it up. I help her and slip it over my head, tossing it to the ground and burying my head into the comforter while she digs her fingers into the knots.

"That feels...amazing, babydoll."

Natasha doesn't say anything, she just keeps massaging me. I glance to the side and see the mirror's reflection of her on my back. She's smiling down at me, her eyes are relaxed and she seems so...content.


Just the way I want her to be.

"I love you," I mumble and she smiles even wider, then realizes I can see her and looks into the mirror, meeting my gaze.

She leans down and kisses my cheek, then smiles into the mirror at me, "I love you too, darling."

"No, like I really love you. Like when I look at you, it feels like a breath of fresh air." Her hands stop massaging me and I move to turn over and sit up, pulling the comforter over my chest, holding her hands as I sit in front of her, then release one hand so I can brush the hair away from her eyes.

She looks so cute right now, her face is so naturally beautiful, eyes soft and gleeful.

"I look at you, Natasha, and I know that I'm safe. You were the oxygen I've needed all along. My whole life, since Gwen, it's felt like I've just been holding my breath, waiting for something else to go wrong, and then I kept losing people, kept watching the people I love dying. But then I met you and all of a sudden that weight, that suffocating feeling, it started to lift and go away."

Her eyes tear up more and more with every word I speak to her. She has her eyebrows pulled together to try and stop herself from sobbing but listens intently, a smile starting to form on her lips.

 She has her eyebrows pulled together to try and stop herself from sobbing but listens intently, a smile starting to form on her lips

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