Chapter 53 || Bruce Returns

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Hi friendsss, bit short-ish, but I'm about to pass out and wanted to post for you all first!

Jayce POV

Dealing with Secretary Ross seeing Nat and I again wasn't fun. Especially not after he stared me down and threatened to out me to the world, expose my identity. In all honesty, I am still surprised that he hasn't.

It isn't like I would really mind anymore, I am no longer in school, my full-time job is basically this, so people knowing isn't much of a threat to begin with. But he thinks it is, which provides me with the power nonetheless.

Once we see Bruce, Natasha looks taken aback, like she had just gotten the wind knocked out of her. No surprise there considering the guy transforming green beast disappeared on her right after she opened her heart to him, placed it on full display.

Yet he just left. Without word. Was off-world for however long. And now he is asking for help.

The overall layout of the compound is seemingly the same, lab looks the same. I recognize all the tech I've used and instruments I've curated with Tony over two years ago on a table in the corner. Tells me he has been trying to develop them more, figure something out. Although I can't really tell what he figured out.

I was working on an oxygen supplying component to the suits. I figured it out with my own nanotech with my iron spider suit, so that going up great heights wouldn't suck all the oxygen away from me.

Tony made me aware of that malfunction in his own Iron Man suit when the Battle of New York went down. Having an experience like that myself once trying to save a plane going down, the high altitude almost stripped me of every last breath.

A problem that I was determined to fix.

Makes me wonder if he's cracked the code as well. Knowing Tony Stark, I can only imagine it wasn't much of a challenge.

While Natasha awkwardly greets her ex-flame, I veer off around the lab, giving Rhodey a quick handshake and asking about Tony's time spent here recently, if there's anything that can provide intel on him and Peter.

"Well, thanks to your two's work together, Tony had a suit made for Peter. Nanotech. Suit materializes around him, providing oxygen for high altitude situations."

My smile slants to the side as I look through the equipment, tapping on Dum-E and U's robotic arms and whistling, "Playtime. FRIDAY, how are you dear? Miss me?"

I can feel Natasha's eyes cast over to me briefly before looking back to Bruce. Only ever knew the guy through the footage I watched back in the Ultron days when I was still inmate zero in the Avengers' dungeon.

"That's Jayce Parker," I can hear Natasha say, to which Bruce nods slowly, "The one who helped us with that Ultron thing? The Spidergirl?"

"Just The Spider, Hulky, but yep. That's me. And you're the one who ghosted Natasha and flew off-world, breaking her heart, yeah?" I smirk to myself while my hands get busy manhandling the mess Tony left behind on a counter.

Looks like a computer threw up all over. There's bolts, grease, plates, hard drives, motherboards. I don't know what he was attempting to do but he's gotten messier. My eyes catch sight of a picture on the wall. Of Tony and Peter. A Stark Industries Internship certificate between them in its own picture frame. They looks smiley together, Peter looks thrilled.

 They looks smiley together, Peter looks thrilled

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