Chapter 21 || It's You and Me

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Natasha POV

Gwen. Her name was Gwen.

When I step back into the party, I play with my fingers to avoid having them shake repeatedly. I spot Jayce going back to Loralai but her smile has disappeared, making Loralai frown in worry.

I keep my eyes on them and see the bitch look over to me with an angry glint in her eyes. She smirks when she leans up to hug Jayce and I huff, feeling an uneasy churning of my stomach. Something isn't right.

"Something's not right," I hiss into Wanda's ear as I grab her hand and drag her out of the room.

She widens her eyes as I march us to my bedroom, "Woah, Natasha. I really like you and all but not like–" "Oh shut up," I roll my eyes.

I close the door behind us and turn to her, leaving her confused.

"What? What are you doing?"

"Loralai. Something's not right."

"What do you mean?"

"I need you too look inside her head," I smile hopefully but Wanda shakes her head, wagging her finger in my face.

"Nope! No can do. Just because you are jealous of Jayce and her does not mean that I will invade her thoughts!"

"Wanda I'm serious! This isn't about Jayce. It's about her. I don't trust her. She has an accent, okay?"

The Sokovian raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms over her chest challengingly, "Go on. What is wrong with an accent?"

Oh sweet Jesus. Tread carefully Natasha, Wanda's drunk.

"I did not peg you for a judgmental person, especially not when you are from Russia and used to have an accent yourself."

"Oh please, Wanda. That's not what I meant. I am saying that she has an accent, I am pretty confident it's German but that doesn't even matter. What matters is that she's been masking it. Why would she hide an accent in front of everyone?"

"Maybe because there are people like you who judge people with accents," She rolls her eyes but I sigh, rubbing my forehead in frustration.

"No. Okay, just...listen. I can smell a fake from a mile away and I am telling you that something is off with that girl. She glares at me every chance she gets, she hates being around all of us at once. Her and Jayce disappear to her room every time they come back but Loralai always looks around the compound on the way to her room. It's like she's searching for something. Just...please, take a look. I need to see if I'm right."

"Natasha..." "Wanda this is Jayce we are talking about. If she's in danger..." I trail off, hoping that I can get her on board and when she takes it in she gulps and nods.


Smiling, I lead us outside but we stay back to keep away from peoples' eyes and she sighs, "I still don't think this is right. We won't find anything."

"Just do it."

Wanda bites her lip anxiously but nods nonetheless and focuses her gaze on Loralai. I watch as Wanda's eyes flicker to their red shade as her fingers glow with red mist. She closes her eyes, reading into Loralai's thoughts. Wanda's eyebrows pull together, her mouth dropping open as she gasps in surprise.

"What is it?" I urge but she doesn't answer. She keeps looking until she whines and cries out, stumbling backwards as she releases her magic, falling into my arms.

I settle her on the ground, sitting her up against the wall, looking around for any witnesses before I place a gentle hand on her cheek.

"Tell me what you saw."

The Widow's Bite (Natasha X G!P OC)Where stories live. Discover now