Chapter 19 || Talking to a Ghost

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Check in time suckas

Natasha POV

I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. After I left Jayce's room I sat curled up on my bed crying like a baby with Grey's Anatomy playing softly in the background. I started it from the pilot so I can actually see the stuff I know by research.

My body deflates when I catch my breath. I stare ahead and replay the events in my brain.

She called me beautiful.

That's a compliment, so why the hell did I run away?

Who am I kidding, of course I know why. She called me beautiful. No one has said that to me and meant it, especially not after sex. I know her and I admitted our feelings and all but I can't change myself in a matter of a few hours.

I'm used to running, I'm used to being disappointed. I'm not used to someone sticking around after having their way with me, I'm not used to being called anything but "hot" or "sexy."

Jayce called me that and I could tell she truly meant it, and the fact of that scared me. Because she won't look at me like that forever. She's going to hate me eventually, I always fuck things up. I always end up hurting people. I drive them away.

Thing is, I would do anything to hear her call me that again, I almost run to her room, but I can't. I hate that I'm like this.

We just made so much progress, what's the big deal? We talked about not letting our fears consume us yet here I am, allowing my fear to consume me once again. What if I get too used to her telling me that? What if one day she no longer says it? What if one day I drive her away? Or break her heart?

I'm a ticking damn time bomb. Physically conditioned to focus on none other than missions at hand, a trained killer, a monster, a machine.

"You are marble. Nothing breaks you."

I may be marble, but I've been falling for quite some time and once marble makes impact with that ground, it will shatter. Marble breaks. I'm just worried about who will break me. I've already given her some of that power.

And I fucking ran from it.

Groaning, I rub my eyes and shake my head, settling into my bed to get some sleep which, of course, comes with nightmares.

Jayce POV

When I see her walk past the training room I turn the other way. I don't want to look at her. Everything she said the other day was bullshit. I give her one compliment and she makes a run for it? So much for opening up.

Grunting, I start the simulation and get working, webbing up and hitting the fake threats. It's been 3 days since that situation and she hasn't talked to me since.

When she looks at me I ignore her, I can't face her. I don't want to.

I was stupid to think that she would actually feel something for me in the first place. It was a simple fling, friends with benefits. She was manipulating me.

"Wow, think I'm going to need to bump up the skill set of this thing," Tony's voice knocks me out of my angry fight, making me pause the simulation and catch my breath.

"What do you want?"

He shrugs and comes over, looking at the screen and seeing what difficulty I was on.

"Extreme, huh? Not a single one hit you." He taps something and the hairs on my arms lift up, my tingle telling me there's someone coming behind me but I grab a knife and turn around, whipping it at the hologram's head, destroying it.

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