Chapter 51 || Birthday in Oxford

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AYOOOO Long chapter're welcome in advance ;) For 2 reasons.

1 Year Later

Jayce POV

I flail my arms as my body plummets to the ground, pieces of the clocktower scraping my sides, smacking into me.

A figure is up above, in some black, white, and pink spider suit. She's coming down after me, reaching her arm out, a web emerging and latching itself onto my abdomen and chest, spreading through my torso.

But it's too late. I can feel myself getting closer to the ground. I can hear her screams.



It's Gwen's voice.

I hear a snap and scream, the landscape changing in front of me in the blink of an eye, a loud scream erupting from me in fear, voice strained as I scream out desperately, "GWEN!"

My body leaps out from wherever I am, fingers latching onto a ceiling as my chest heaves and breathing becomes a far too difficult task.

"Jayce? Baby it's me! You're safe. It's okay, it was just a dream."


I blink until my vision clears up, seeing short blonde hair, green eyes staring up at me worriedly as she gets out of bed and walks over to me, standing below me with her arm outstretched.

"Come down, it's okay."

What the hell kind of dream was that? And why did Gwen have my spider powers but I didn't?

My breathing evens out just a bit but every time I blink I see that dream. But it flashes between that and the one I am so accustomed to having.

It alternates from me falling to me watching Gwen fall and I shake my head, "No no no."

Her big wide, fearful eyes staring up at me as she begins to accept her soon to come fate with her mouth open, releasing a long breath. That look she gives me. The one of absolute terror and acceptance all at once, it stabs at me over and over.

Grunting in frustration, I try to slap the images away but end up falling right off the ceiling, stumbling as my feet barely catch me, but Natasha does

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Grunting in frustration, I try to slap the images away but end up falling right off the ceiling, stumbling as my feet barely catch me, but Natasha does.

Instantly, she wraps her arms around my frame and tries to hush me into relaxation, "You're okay. You're safe."

Feeling my mind reeling, I have to blink repeatedly as I hold onto Nat for dear life. Part of me worries I'm crushing her but she doesn't give any sign of truth to that thought. I attempt to keep my eyes open but the burden of images still stain my thoughts, beckoning my eyes closed to take another peek.

The blonde ex-assassin pulls away and cups my cheeks gently, "Another nightmare?"

Swallowing thickly, I nod and breathe out, "What's today's date?"

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