Chapter 58 || News

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1 Month Later

Natasha POV

I finish up my training for the morning and head to the office to check on the radio line. Carol, Okoye, Rocket, and Rhodey all update me on everything around the whole Universe. Carol's been traveling to planets, helping with aid and I've supplied any materials she may need.

Rocket's the same, sometimes teams up with Carol. Okoye updates on Wakanda and other locations, how they're healing and dealing. Together we've formed a team that helps children whose parents got blipped. Maria Hill joined in to assist and together, with old agents of SHIELD and new of SWORD, we've build a location to house these children and even young adults struggling to make ends meet.

Tony of course helped fund the whole thing since housing hundreds of thousands of kids isn't easy, on top of teaching them, feeding them, giving them workplace opportunities, only ones 14 and up. We start them out easy, but we want to teach them how to be independent so they don't feel trapped with us forever.

Some of them even volunteered to be SHIELD agents. SHIELD itself is still very underground but Maria and I are working to build the ranks, along with working alongside SWORD and sending some young hopeful agents their way.

Rhodey tells me of issues that have popped up once everyone leaves the call. There's been killings of wanted criminals in almost every state and country. It's been nonstop. And my only thought goes to Clint.

No one has heard from him since the Blip. His whole family's gone and he just disappeared without a trace.

He's gone rogue.

"Anything on Jayce?" I mutter as I open a jar of pickles to eat.

Rhodey sighs and shakes his head, "I'm sorry, Nat. No sightings of anyone with spider abilities anywhere. She's removed any sort of tracking, she's off-grid. Officially."

I nod slowly, staring down at the desk in front of me, eyes glazing over every news article from every state possible the past month. She's not in the US, that's for sure. I've taken to printing news from other countries, watching the channels, there's no word at all.

And all she left me with was a note.

"Thanks anyway. Let me know if you hear anything. Stay safe."

"You too."

He cuts off the connection, leaving me alone to my thoughts while the television runs, sharing horror stories about people losing family members, people blipping at the most inconvenient times that have caused injuries, helicopters to crash into buildings, planes to go down, cars to collide.

It's the same thing every single day.

My hands snatch the jar, taking one last pickle before closing it and placing it back in the fridge. It's so quiet in the compound now.

Steve is gone most of the time at support groups, helping people. Bruce moved away. Thor is living in New Asgard, and Tony is with Pepper expecting their first kid.

I'm alone.

Usually right now, Wanda and Jayce would be bickering about what show to watch while Thor whines over an empty PopTart box. Tony and Clint are talking about some sort of economic kind of crap and Steve is trying to keep up.

It's never quiet here.

But now the only sound I can hear is the television.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying not to focus on the complete feeling of loneliness until my stomach start to turn. With a frown, I place my hand over it but slap my hand over my chest when a burning need to vomit arises.

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