Chapter 31 || On The Run

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Attendance time! 

Jayce POV

"So uh...I'm gonna be gone for quite some time," I say to May and Peter while we all eat.

Natasha looks at me with a soft smile of support.

"What do you mean? Why?" May asks and Peter looks at me with a look of understanding. I'm guessing he's figured it out already so I look to Aunt May.

"Things with the Avengers are...well, let's just say we've been having a lovers' quarrel lately."

"You know I saw something about this on the news the other day. Something about Captain America breaking the law under the Sokovia Accords?"

I nod and look to Natasha who sighs, "We all had our differences. Captain Rogers, Jayce, amongst some others didn't sign the Accords. The government has been after them since."

May widens her eyes and looks back to me, "So you're a criminal?"

"I suppose that's one way to put it," I chuckle and she throws her napkin at me, "Jayce Cameron Parker!"

"It was for a good cause, alright? I was helping Captain America. And plus, Natasha broke the law too."

She tilts her head at me with furrowed eyebrows in annoyance of me throwing her under the bus and Peter giggles from his seat. I shoot a glare at him to keep his mouth shut so May doesn't figure out that he is involved in this too and Nat nods.

"I may have...broken a few. One was to save this one's behind. The other was because I realized that Tony Stark and I were on the wrong side of things. I knew that what was going on was bigger than the governments of the world, they were blind to it, so I saw the opportunity to help and I took it."

May hums in understanding and eats more of her food, "So, now you two are wanted criminals in the US and..."

"And we need to leave. Get out of here. If they catch us, we'll be thrown in prison for well...I don't really know for how long. But yeah. I'll try my best to stay in contact but for your own safety, it is safer for me not to come visit or contact you on phones that are traceable."

May looks to Peter and they both look down, but nod in understanding.

"Promise you'll come back this time?" Peter mumbles. It's now that I notice the tears in his eyes as fear bubbles in him.

He's traumatized from the last time I went missing

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He's traumatized from the last time I went missing.

I guess I never really processed that they were also tortured. I missed them so much. I missed Ben and my parents. But I don't know if I ever truly acknowledged the pain I put them through.

Reaching over the table I grab Peter and May's hands, smiling at them gently.

"I promise, I will come back. I came back last time didn't I?" I smirk at them and they seem to finally relax.

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