Chapter 6 || Water

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Attendance time :) 

It's been two weeks since I got the cast off and the pain is completely gone. I'm swinging around in the training room while Wanda tries to throw attacks at me with her magic but I dodge all of them.

When I catch a glimpse of her trying to hit me by aiming in front of me while I move, I shoot a web at her hand, making her grunt when it pushes her arm back and locks her hand together.


"What! Thought I couldn't guess your next move, Maximoff?" I smile before dropping to the ground, landing in front of her with my chest rising and falling rapidly.

"You're too damn fast," She grumbles as we go over to grab some water, then head inside to make some lunch.

While we eat, I notice someone coming in, my senses telling me it's Tony Stark. Rolling my eyes, I stand up to put my plate away but he places a hand on my shoulder, "I got a present for you web-girl."

Casting a glare over my shoulder at him, I shrug away from his touch and go to the sink.

"What do you want, Stark?"

He tosses a device on the table and a hologram pops up, showing me a spidey-suit. One that looks like my old one but better.

"Think of it this way, you're an Avenger now. Gotta make sure you look like one. Plus, added in a nice heating system." He smiles proudly as he zooms in on the hologram.

Wanda smiles at it and reaches over, amazed when her hand goes right through it.

"Cool, huh, Witchy?" He smiles at her but I roll my eyes.

"She has a name. And I don't want it. I've made my own suit in the past, I can do it again."

Wanda glances at Tony and clears her throat, "It is a pretty cool suit. You would look good in it."

She looks up at me with a shy smile and a look in her eyes telling me to ease up a bit. Internally, I roll my eyes, annoyed with how easily Wanda is warming up to these people, even Tony Stark.

I sit down across from Wanda and Tony who just smiles lopsidedly at me, clearly proud of his little toy. Groaning, I lean towards the device and observe the hologram. Doesn't take long for me to figure out how it works. I zoom in on the suit and place my finger near certain parts, pulling up descriptions and material listings on it.

"Nice internal structure you got going here. But I don't need gadgets. My webs come right from here," I tap my wrist and watch as he observes it, nodding.

"I must say I am fascinated by that. There's no point of openings on your wrists, no one would be able to tell that it comes out of there."

Shrugging, I stand up and clear my throat, "It's a nice suit, Stark. I'll give it a test drive. Don't expect a thank you, though."

He smirks and smiles down at Wanda who smiles at me, proud of me being able to play nice. I'm only doing it for her though. She's lost too much, she needs a sense of normalcy and consistency. If being around these people will make her happy then so be it.

I'll play along.

After he finally leaves us alone, saying the suit will be ready by tomorrow, I decide to go for a walk on my own.

The area here is beautiful, with lively grass and other plant life. Trees stand proud and tall, a little path that leads straight to the body of water the compound resides on.

When I reach the clearing to the water, I see someone already here.


Looks like she's meditating or something. Her hair is down and looks almost wavy. The sunlight is hitting it perfectly so the redness shines even brighter. Still, even from here, she looks tense.

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