Chapter 34 || Yelena

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Ouuuuuu attendance time :) 

Jayce POV

I glance over from the laptop at Natasha who's grabbing another beer but picks up a box of blonde hair dye out of the bags from the store.

"Blonde, huh? Tryna copy me?"

She lifts her head and smiles smally at me before placing it down, "Was just a thought. Eat up," She gestures towards the soup I made for us and I oblige while she comes back over to watch the movie.

"Why did you breakup the encounter with my pet python? Because I discovered he had a crush on me," She says the lines in varying voices as they come, making me snort and shake my head, "You gonna do this the whole film?"

"What, you don't like it?" She flashes a dazzling smile but then the lights all over the trailer goes out and the generator whirs to a slow stop.

"Oh, great," She whispers and takes another bite before standing up and heading outside to check the generator. When she does, I figure that we're gonna go need to get some gas so I throw some clothes on as Natasha comes inside to do the same.

 When she does, I figure that we're gonna go need to get some gas so I throw some clothes on as Natasha comes inside to do the same

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"We making a trip?"

"I can go alone," She sighs but I shake my head, "We don't do things alone unless it's absolutely necessary. Come on," I slap her ass playfully and she groans, "I could kill you."

"You could, but then who would you talk to?"

"Myself, I make a great conversationalist."

I smile at her and she comes up behind me, wrapping an arm around my torso, signaling for me to lift my arm so that she can snuggle into my side as we walk to the car.

I shoot a web at an empty gas tank and we jump in the car, driving off to the gas station. While Natasha drives, I stare out at the view and breathe in the extremely fresh air.

However, my eyes catch the reflection of that box from earlier in the rear view mirror and as we pull up on a bridge, I widen my eyes and look down at my arm as a large, terrifying tingle takes over me. My head snaps to the right where I see a light but can't make it out.

"Natasha. Something's–" I get cut off when a rocket hits the side of the car and launches us.

Natasha grunts as she releases the wheel and I go to grab her but we spin, repeatedly hitting the road every time we make another rotation. I hit my head and cry out when my body slams into the side of the car too many times.

Finally, I glance at the bridge and see the edge we are about to go over.

I shoot a web at the road to stop us from rolling and it works, but we jolt forward at the sudden ceasing of motion.

Nat whimpers from beside me and I look over at her worriedly, seeing her stirring awake from the harsh knockout. My eyes catch headlights in front of us and I spot someone getting out of a car.

The Widow's Bite (Natasha X G!P OC)Where stories live. Discover now