The Revenge Plot

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"Honestly, I think it's kind of funny

That you waste your breath talkin' about me

Got me feelin' kinda special." 

- Excerpt from Backstabber by Kesha


The phone ringing ends up waking me up. I toss over on my side, uncomfortably. I'm a rather light sleeper so hearing this is very annoying.

I grab the ringing phone. It's an unfamiliar number so I know I need to speak in English and not Russian.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Sir, this is St. Francis Medical Center. Is this Lorenzo Antonov?" the woman asks and I sit up. I'm puzzled.

A hospital.

No, something bad couldn't have happened to Dariya. Please.

"Yes?" I ask.

"So, I'm calling you about Robert Mooney," she asks and I'm even more bewildered. I'm happy that I don't have to worry about Dariya because I thought she's in trouble but this is Robert.

Shit, Brielle.

I told the woman I'm on my way. I hurriedly put on clothes. I don't even think my shirt is on the right way and one of my socks doesn't match but I practically sped to the hospital.

It's 3 in the morning and I'm exhausted so the only thing I can drink is coffee because the hospital is a no-smoke zone.

"Hello ma'am. I'm here to see Robert Mooney. What room is he in?" I ask. I'm still out of breath but I manage to make a coherent sentence. God, I'm terrified. Please, Brielle is alright and he just got into a car accident or some shit.

She types on the computer a little bit and then tells me the room number and which direction it is in.

I try not to run but I pretty much do.

I enter room 205 and see him lying there with bandages.

"Robert. Are you okay? What about Brielle?" I ask. I do care about him but my biggest priority is Brielle.

"Sir, I'm alright. I'm getting discharged tomorrow. The worst is I got stabbed but..." he explains. The 'but' makes my heart drop and I'm scared. He's fucking lying. Nothing should've happened to Brielle.

"I'm watching her like you said but I got ambushed. I tried to fight back but there were four people, all had weapons and Sir... they were trained," he tells me.


He couldn't have been prepared like this if there were four trained guards.

"It's not your fault Robert. I put you in that situation expecting a random stalker. Not a group of people. However, I need more information on the men."

He thinks for a moment then describes the men, "They had target symbols on their right arms... near the shoulder blade."

You're fucking kidding me.

A Mexican cartel, Tiro Limpio, which means clean shot, was following Brielle... because of me.

The Sovas aren't the only mafia that are assassins, however their preferred term is hitmen because 'women don't murder people'. Assassins for us is more of a blanket term because anyone can be an assassin. I have men and women assassins.

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