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"A lot of parents will do anything for their kids except let them be themselves." 

- Excerpt by Banksy


I'm lying on the bed watching something on the T.V and I'm tired. I mean I can just fall asleep but right now I'm not feeling it and I need to finish this last episode of Golden Girls.

Well, I said the last one was the last one and I also said it three episodes ago so I don't think I'm falling asleep anytime soon.

I hear the phone ringing and I turn my head. I glance between the phone and the sleeping Lorenzo.

Is it for him or not?

It really shouldn't be for me because it's 10 at night and Lorenzo is usually a night person. I would wake up Lorenzo but he's sleeping so soundly right now and I know he's stayed up for almost 24 hours straight doing work. He needs some sleep.

Enzo grabs me closer, burying his face deeper in my stomach. Based on how his face is positioned, I wonder how in the world he's able to breathe.

I reach over to grab the phone and I put it on my ear.

"Hello?" I ask, making sure my voice is as feminine as I can manage so they don't tell me stuff I don't need to know.

"It's Zhara Antonov. Lorenzo's mother," the woman, Zhara, introduces. I take a deep breath in and out.

Lorenzo's mother is talking to me, that's just fucking great.

"Oh. Are you here to talk to Lorenzo?" I ask.

"No, I would like to speak to you." My eyes widen and my breath hitches but I slowly bring myself to a calm state.

I met her two days ago and she barely fucking acknowledged my existence. She even outright told me that she didn't like me. I acted like it didn't hurt but it did.

My boyfriend's mother doesn't like me. How am I supposed to take it?

Now, all of a sudden, she wants to talk to me. It can't possibly be something good.

"Oh, okay," I begin, "What would you like to speak about?"

"Oh, definitely not over the phone. Too much to discuss. I would like to meet with you tomorrow."

I'm meeting her?

This is just going to end horribly and I know it.

"I would like to bring you to a place called Kafe K, it's rather close-by to you," she explains and I nod, making a mental note of what the place is called.

"Is 3pm good?" she asks and I hum, showing my agreement.

"Good-night," she says and hangs up the phone. I place the phone on the receiver and take another deep breath in and out.

I turn to Lorenzo sleeping peacefully and my pussy throbs. God, him and his sexual self.

We're doing all of this and I feel like I should be on good terms with his mother. I shouldn't actively make her hate me. Not one bit.

However, since Zhara asked only for me and not for Lorenzo as well, I have a feeling that he would be upset with his mother if he found out about this whole... arrangement.

Let's keep it a secret from him.

I run my hand through my hair, contemplating really not telling him and keeping a secret from him.

Yeah, it definitely will be better for him not to know. I don't want to cause any issues.

Great, tomorrow I'm going to see his mother one-on-one.

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