Everything Comes to an End

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"All good things come to an end. Happiness is short lived. Treasure what you have today because tomorrow it might not be..." 

- Excerpt from Tracey Smith


I'm eating dinner with Sergei.

Well, you can't really classify it as dinner because I'm eating a plate full of damn vegetables with absolutely no meat and he's eating some delicious steak.

Ever since I've been here I barely ate one piece of meat, when alone, and I have lost so much weight I can see it in my appearance. My ribs are sticking out more but I don't know for sure because I have no access to a scale.

I want to go home.

All I can hear is silverware connecting with ceramic plates. I have recently gotten over my cold which I kind of liked. I was in a different room than him and we didn't have sex of any kind.

I hear heels clacking against the hardwood floor and I turn to the entrance and I see Zhara and Lorenzo walk inside.

I glance at Sergei and his brows are furrowed, obviously their entrance wasn't planned and because of that, I'm confused.

"Pochemu ty zdes'?," Sergei grumbles. It's not directed towards me but with the hostility in his tone, it can't be towards his mother.

It's directed towards Enzo. However, he completely ignores him.

"Everything is alright Brielle. We can go home now," he says and he opens his arms. His warm and comforting arms. Arms he uses to protect me.

You don't understand how quickly I want to jump into his arms and go back home to Los Angeles. I fucking hate San Francisco.

I glance back at Sergei and he's glaring at me and I cower back, not wanting to do what I want to do.

What about Hannah? Cassidy? Could Scott be dragged into this and hurt as well?

I can't... no matter how hard I want to.

"Brielle, I promise nothing bad is going to happen to you anymore," he reassures me. I ball my hands into fists to refrain myself. Sergei has too much leverage over me, I can't.

"I don't want her to go," Sergei protests, the veins in his hands peeking out in anger.

"Sergei," Zhara says and we all snap our attention towards her, "Let her go. Stop treating this woman like how you've been."

If it wasn't for the fact that it wouldn't be appropriate in this situation, I would've gasped. The fact that she defended me, the first time she has ever done that and she has expressed her hatred for me numerous times is astonishing.

Zhara is on my side. I can do this.

I stand up and Sergei scoffs, causing me to press my lips together in fear and want to sit right back down again.

"If you go, you know what will happen," he threatens. I stumble back about to sit down. I can't go. He would really hurt them. I glance at Lorenzo, defeated. His face was still determined though.

"They're protected. Angel, no is going to hurt them without us knowing. They are alright."

I run into Enzo's arms, stuffing my face into his sweatshirt and I hug him as tight as I can. I don't know what's going to happen, this could all be a dream or a joke but I miss him so much.

"Am I going home?" I croak out and he hums and I feel his body vibrate as he answers me.

I begin silently crying. I'm going to a warm household with comforting people and the abuse is going to end. I won't have to deal with him anymore.

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