Splish Splosh Splash, He's on my Ass

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"Summer lovin' and fights

How it is for us." 

- Excerpt from Talking Body by Tove Lo

We arrive at the hotel and it's beautiful. It's only 5pm but I'm exhausted out of my mind. The flight was five hours long.

After we finish putting the luggage in the house, Cai leaves because he's going to go and get us some food.

Elijah carries two bags because of Cai's absence and he goes upstairs first. Lorenzo grabs our bags, not letting me carry one, and we go upstairs.

We go into our room and I collapse on the bed tired and exhausted.

Cai knocks on the door saying, "Food is here. Come down," and then I hear footsteps walking away.

I really don't want to get up and I look at Enzo who is already standing up to go downstairs.

"Lorenzo, can you bring my food?" I ask and he nods.

He comes back with food and I asked for white rice with the side of crispy hawaiian garlic chicken and that's what is served to me in a styrofoam box.

Lorenzo sits down next to me and I ask, "What are we doing tomorrow?"

He finishes chewing his food before answering, "We'll go to the beach tomorrow and on Wednesday, we'll go scuba diving and watch a cultural dance since Dariya wants to go so badly."

I nod. This vacation seems like we'll be rather busy and that's good. I don't want to be bored.

I ate my food, brushed my teeth, and got ready for bed. I go under the covers that were cold at first but soon got warm. Typical hotel bed sheets.

Lorenzo slips under the covers but unlike me, he's sitting up and chewing, yes chewing, on a fork.

Yes, a fork and his food is long gone and in the trash can.

I furrow my brows, confused, "Why are you... doing something like that?" I ask. I'm even confused on how to even ask the question.

"There's a no-smoking policy in this hotel. I want a cig really badly," he grumbles and it makes me smile.

I take the fork and throw it away, giving him a peck on the lips and he grabs my waist, slipping deeper under the covers.

"You should be worrying about sleeping. We have a big day tomorrow," I tell him, holding his adorable cheeks. He smiles and I cuddle closer to him.

"I should. I'm happy I'm falling asleep with you for once," he says and he burrows his head in my stomach, well boobs, while I mess with his wavy hair.

I am too. I'm so glad I'm sleeping in his comfortable and faded smoky scent.

- транс -

I wake up and I feel a chest press up against my back. I turn around and I'm met with Lorenzo's gentle sleeping face.

He really does look peaceful when he's fast asleep.

I sit up and get out of the bed. I brush my teeth and I go downstairs.

I walk into the dining room and I see everybody else awake and eating breakfast. It's rather loud.

"Fuck!" Cai shouts and it scares me, making me jump a little bit.

"Hold on, we might be a little bit lucky. Is Lorenzo awake?" Violet asks and I shake my head, going to the counter and putting some eggs on a plate.

"No." V whimpers and I look at her confused. I grab two sausages and toast to finish my breakfast and I sit down in one of the two remaining seats. Specifically next to Dariya.

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