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"You don't understand, I will do whatever you want, even if that includes murder." 

 We arrive at the huge warehouse that is pretty much invisible in the dark, cloudy night. I get out of the car with Cai following close behind me, holding a briefcase. I walk up to the large gate with the four bodyguards surrounding it, two on each side.

One of them walks up to me.

"¿Por qué estás aquí?" he asks. I look at Cai and he shrugs. I don't know Spanish, hell English took a shit long time to learn. Cai doesn't know it either.

"I don't speak Spanish," I tell him.

He looks around and he beckons someone to come and he goes back to his post while someone comes to me.

"Lo siento. Identification, please," he tells me and I grab my wallet. Stupid, fucking, identification.

I grab my I.D. that doesn't have most of my personal information on it, only the basics and hands it to him.

He checks it and hands it back to me, nodding. He yells out some Spanish and soon the gate opens.

We enter inside and all I hear is loud Spanish music blending with Spanish voices. I'm following a bodyguard who's bringing me to the boss of the entire group.

I'm planning on doing a money transaction for Brielle. If that doesn't work then I'm killing everybody in this place until I find her.

We arrive at the door and they go up to me and begin patting me down. I was going to shove the shit out of him until I realized that they're only trying to pat me down.

I have to refrain from laughing because they get up when they realize I have no "weapons" on me.

I do.

I'm an assassin. An undefeated assassin. I've killed inside airports bypassing metal detectors. I may not have a gun on me but I have a knife slipped inside my right boot. Plus, the briefcase has a gun surrounded by the money. Just in case, things go wrong... which is likely to happen.

They've always been a bad mafia.

We enter the room after Cai had been patted down, I find Alejandro sitting at the very end of the mahogany table.

I sit down in the chair across from him and Cai stands on the left of me.

"I want Brielle," I demand. I skip all formalities. Shit, they lost all formalities that I could've ever had for them after they kidnapped Brielle. Alejandro could play some mind games on me and I'm not in the mood for it.

"Do I need to?" he asks, with a sadistic smirk on.

"What do you mean 'do I need to'?"

"That puta, she has a gorgeous tight pussy. I don't think I can ever give that up," he boasts. Now I'm pissed. He did not fuck her.

I know that what he's saying is a big lie. There's no way she would've voluntarily had sex with him.

Alejandro is repulsive. He truly is. When I was dating his girlfriend, I met him once or twice. He is the 'best friend' to not worry about.

Dariya, who probably has more bodies than my own kill count, would rather have sex with me than Alejandro.

That's saying something.

"You little-" I begin but someone stops me.

"Calm down, Lorenzo," Cai whispers in my ear. I decided to listen to him. This can go sour way too quickly and that cannot happen.

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