First Date... Kind Of

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"Dinner is a great first date. Don't believe that stuff about girls not wanting to eat on a first date - sharing a romantic meal is sexy."

- Excerpt by Carmen Electra 

Hannah met this man and told me all about it for the past couple of days. I mean, the second she's off of work, she's calling me to talk about him and it makes me smile. She's getting into a relationship.

How awesome!

"I'm really nervous to go on a date with this guy. You need to come with me," she tells me. Huh?

"How?" I ask.

"Bring Lorenzo."

I'm hesitant on bringing him. It might be a wrong move or something or... I don't know if I really need to bring him.

"Can't I just wear a mask and pretend something is going on and just stalk you from there or something. Why do I need to go on a date... and with Lorenzo of all people?" I complain, causing her to laugh on the other end.

"Please. I can be so awkward. Remember that one time I went on a date with this guy and I was so nervous and water squirted out of my nose. He never went on another date with me, I can't relive through that," she panics.


"Brielle!" she begs.

"Ugh, fine," I say, "I'll ask him and I'll tell you what he says. He works a lot so... I don't know."

I hang up the phone.

I kind of wish that Lorenzo is too busy that he simply isn't able to go on the double date. It seems kind of shitty of me but I really... I think me and Hannah are going to be on the same boat, being nervous and awkward on the date.

I go downstairs and I find him eating some cereal.

"Enzo?" I ask and he looks up, swallowing whatever food he had in his mouth rather quickly.

Did that man even chew?

"Yes, Angel?" he asks and it scares me a little bit. The nickname still throws me off-guard even though he slips it in some sentences we share with one another.

"Hannah has a date with some guy so she wants us to come. It's going to be a double date," I explain.


Huh? I wasn't expecting that to come out of his mouth. In all honesty, I expected him to say no because, he's a mafia boss and just like a stripper, you're a busy body, but I guess not.

"I thought you would've said no," I mumble. He raises a brow which means that he heard me.

"I want to go on a date with you. What's the difference between a date between us two and a double date?" he tells me and I feel my face flush.

He, actually, wants to go on a date. I'm... not expecting that.

"Do you not want to go on a date with me?" he says, eyebrows furrowing.

"That's not the case," I reply back, too quickly for even my liking and he begins laughing out loud, putting down his bowl of cereal. Probably before he spills it.

"I thought you would be busy, that's all."

"I'm not." He smiles proudly.


Now, I'm going on an actual date with him. You might be wondering why the fuck I'm so upset because you guys would be crawling on the floor if something like this happened however...

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