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"Once upon a time, a few mistakes ago

I was in your sights, you got me alone 

You found me." 

- Excerpt from I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift


I wake up and I see an unfamiliar ceiling. It's all white compared to the grayish black that I'm familiar with.

Where am I?

I sit up and it stings me a little bit. I'm in a very unfamiliar room. Next to me, I have a heart monitor and an IV drip which is connected to me.

Well, looking at it now, I'm in a hospital room but it's very quiet so I know that I'm not in an actual one.

I need to get out of here. They can be drugging me for all I know.

I move the sheets and I see that I have bandages and I'm in a hospital gown. I look down at my left ankle that is set higher than the other one. It's bandaged. I don't know what happened but I'm assuming it's serious. Maybe a sprain.

Even though my body is hurting, I still decide to get up. The place is very nice but I don't feel comfortable staying here. I take the IV out of my wrist and walk around the room.

I glance at the mirror that's in the room.

God, I look like a complete mess.

I look rough, like I mean really rough. I have bags under my eyes. I mean I continuously cried myself to sleep and seeing me cry was a usual occurrence.

However, my hair is wet, so someone must've been taking care of me. I feel very touched. I grab a chunk of hair and smell it and it does smell like shampoo so someone did wash it. I wonder who?

I'm in a hospital gown, like I predict, but I thankfully can feel I have underwear on, but no bra.

I decide to leave the room now before I start rethinking my decisions of leaving. I have no idea where I am so I need directions and this place has nothing.

I limp down the hallway. It's a hospital but a deserted one... or something. There are other rooms but they are deserted as well.

I turn the corner and see three men and I'm scared. Oh no. I'm going to be caught again and thrown in some sort of fucking dungeon like before.

One of them begins walking quickly towards me and I gasp to prevent myself from screaming. I don't want to get hurt anymore. I turn around and I'm going to go the other direction but I fall because I ran on my hurt ankle.

I want to cry.

They are catching up to me and I have nowhere to go because it's hard to get up and it's getting harder to breathe.

"Privet! Ostanavlivat'sya! Ty pugayesh' yeye. Ostav' yeye v pokoye,'' the man in the middle yells in Russian and the two men back up almost instantly. Going back to his side.

He crouches down to my level. His features are more prominent than earlier when we both were in the dark, scary room.

This man is the one who saved me.

I'm looking at him hard, barely even paying attention to the hand that's extended towards me, and just looking at him.

I just notice his brown eyes and they're pretty. The prettiest ones I have ever seen. Then I remember what he has done... yesterday? Wait, what day is it?

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