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"Ain't it funny?

Remember I brought her up 

And you told me I was paranoid." 

- Excerpt from traitor by Olivia Rodrigo 

I hesitate taking the necklace and I look up into Lorenzo's eyes to see pure confusion.

It scares me a little bit and I hurriedly take the necklace.

"Sorry, I spaced out," I laugh, completely lying.

He laughs along with me and I turn around as he puts the necklace around my neck and clasps it together.

I feel strange... weird having it on.

Something in my heart is telling me that this is wrong. That I don't deserve to be wearing this magnificent necklace.

If you don't already know, my brain is screaming at me to just break up with him already and just stay with Hannah because I know she wouldn't mind.

I turn around and he brings me to the mirror in the room.

"You look beautiful, Angel," he compliments and I force a smile on my face, trying to ignore my inner feelings.

It does look beautiful. It compliments my skin completely, the golden jewelry against my pale skin.

I deserve this... right?

"ty takaya krasivay," he mumbles under his breath and pulls me into a tight hug.

I place my hands gently on his back and he gives me a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Come on, let's go back. I'm tired of Dariya thinking we're always having sex whenever we take a long time," he mumbles and I laugh. He puts his hand into mine and we go back downstairs where the rest of the group is.

The first person I see is Natalie and instead of a snarky remark, she said something completely unexpected.

"Ah! That necklace is so gorgeous. I'm jealous, it's cute on you," she says and goes and sits down on the couch with the drink she's holding in her hand.

I wasn't the only one completely thrown off by the unexpected compliment. Glancing over at Dariya, she had a furrowed brow and Cai with a disgusted face on.

"Thank you," I say but it's more of a question than a response.

She's being way too nice.

I refuse to deny it.

Something is wrong...

- транс -

I wake up briefly in the middle of the night. I had a huge urge to go to the bathroom and once I finished, I went back and snuggled closer to Lorenzo to gather back the physical warmth I just lost.

Still asleep, he wraps his arms around me again and pulls me very close to the point I can smell his natural musky, smokey scent.

I admire my sleeping boyfriend's face.

Lorenzo is so attractive. Enzo is in love with me and I should feel very lucky so why do I feel like I'm not.

Why do I feel like he's not actually in love with me and just saying that because... I don't know.

I'm very much in love with him, anyone can tell that from just looking and nothing in our actions have changed so...

I'm so confused.

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