Who is she and jealousy (Part 1/3)

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Characters :-
Win (21)
Team (20)


Win was sitting on the lunch table with Dean and the others. They were all talking and eating as usual but something seemed missing. Team was not there. His lovely potato chips lover who had zero alcohol tolerance and always seemed to be running somewhere or the other in Win's mind, had taken a half day.

Pharm said that they had been together when Team got a call on his phone and went back to his dorm saying something had come up and he had to go. Win tried calling him but he didn't pick up. Maybe he's busy.
"Oh it looks like someone is missing their faen" Dean teased as Win closed his swimming locker "Can't stay without Team for a single day, Winnie?"

Win turned around and looked up at Dean with the same teasing look "So now you remember me? Before you were too busy staring at Nong Pharm to notice my exhistance"

Dean didn't back down, instead he swung his hand around wins shoulder and dragged him a little away from the lockers "Your jealous you have no one to look at."

"Your the one will be jealous when I eat all the treats nong Pharm got for you"

Dean let go of Win grabbing his towel to hit the blonde "Ay sat!" Win ran away laughing before Dean could hit him a second time.
Win unlocked Team's dorm door, they had given each other the spare card to their rooms when they officially became a couple, a few months after the swim team's trip. Team would often crash in Wins room or vice versa.

Win texted his asking where he was. A few minutes later team sent a message saying he was out and would be back to his dorm in a few days. He promised to explain the next time on campus. Win agreed.

Just as he entered his room he got a call from Dean asking if he wanted to go outside for dinner. Win was about to say no but changed it into a yes when Dean said that Phruk lost a bet and would be treating them.

Win combed through his hair, changed into a white shirt and jeans, took his wallet and phone and locked the door behind him before rushing down to where they were supposed to meet. Never say no to free food.

Dean drove them to a restaurant a little far from the dorm. Win didn't mind, as long as Dean was sending him back too. It was a hot pot place. Dean, Win and Phruk walked in and got a seat for four. Phruk swore that next time they had a swimming race he'd beat Dean.

"Sure, why don't you try again. It's more treats for us" Dean laughed.

The order arrived and they started eating, talking about classes, the club, random things.

"Hey Win-" Dean interupted their talk "-where did Team say he was?"

"He said he was busy and would come back by monday and explain everything"

Dean hummed and they continued talking. After they were done eating Phruk payed for the food. They'd all eaten too much. The three of them went to a park nearby, it was open 24/7. Only a few people, were still there, it was mostly empty.

"Is that Team?" Dean asked suddenly. Win followed his gaze to a bench a little further away. Win could see the faces of it's occupants. Without a doubt one of the people sitting there was Team.

There was a woman sitting next to him. Win felt as though his heart had been pulled out, there was a sudden void in his chest. Team had his head leaning against the girls shoulder as they both laughed at something on her phone.

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