~Chapter 4~

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Matthias had disappeared from the view of the group as they got worried, "Matt?" Sam asked as once he was back in the view of everyone they sighed in relief as they went over to Matthias. "There's something." He told them as he lead them over to the stone that had been broken to reveal a hole in the cement pipe on the ground. River walked closer as she noticed footprints while Sam noticed them as well. "There are footprints here," Sam said out loud as she looked at Matt. 

"Is there another hiding spot?" Woods asked as Matthias looked at him giving him a look that meant that was the only thing as Woods kneeled down to look at the broken stone and the hole. "Did we double-check the coordinates?" River asked looking at him as he nodded Matthias saw test strips so he got an evidence bag as they looked at it. "So it's just a container in the ground?" Sam asked as Matthias and Woods would look around the location as Woods picked up pieces of the broken stone. 

River kneeled in between the two men as she picked up a piece seeing it before Woods and her understood one another and started to quickly put it together. "What does it say?" Matthias asked as they backed up before seeing what the words said. River was surprised as to the information they had as she zoned out, Deb and Wes were together.. She was surprised as she came back to her senses when she heard Matthias speak up. "Does that mean what I think it means?" He asked confused as we stood there.

"I mean D.. Deborah.. W.. Wes" Sam responded as she looked at it. "Their relationship wasn't just co-workers than.." River mumbled as she looked at it. "I mean she did say that they hid the serum together. At least half of it." Sam responded as River nodded looking at it. "He got here first.. They did hide half of the serum together. Then all of a sudden she hid the rest on her own.." Sam explained as they nodded looking at the stones. "This could have been Wes, maybe they hid it together and then something could have happened with Wes and he was coming back to get it," Matthias said as he looked at the group while they stood there.

"He beat us to it again... He had the coordinates.." Matthias told them as he looked at the three of them while River nodded. "He was going to beat us here no matter what, he had the coordinates and more time to get here." River responded as she looked at them while Matthias spoke up, "We should have just left it and taken you to the emergency room." Matthias said looking at Woods as Woods shook his head. "I said was fine Matt." Woods responded as Matthias was quick to respond, "Yeah, you're fine. You need to be leaning on that right now in the shade." Matthias responded as Woods sighed.

"It's shady.." Woods responded looking at him as they started walking down the hill. River walked behind the rest of the group as she looked around before almost running into Woods as they stopped, on the ground, there had been a cartridge with a mask the phantom wears. "This has to be a cartridge.." Matthias said looking at it as Woods got confused, "Like a vape pen cartridge?" He asked confused as River shook her head looking at him. 

"It's like a cartridge to the mask the guy wears." River responded as they nodded before putting it into another evidence bag. "It's fully from his mask, be careful touching that." Sam told them as Woods put the mask into the bag before wiping his hands on his shorts. "We can safely assume that this is more than likely an alternative serum or something he is utilizing because he's the one who had also injected it into himself too right?" Woods asked as River nodded looking at him as he spoke up again. 

"So why not breathe it in." Woods asked again as Matthias went to respond. "I'm done with this, I already shot that video and uploaded it. The audience knows we are taking a break, we should just commit to it. We take the next couple months and reinforce every bit of the studio." Matthias told the rest as Sam nodded looking at them. "We need an actual break just to catch up." Sam told them as she stood there looking at them. "We can come back when we are ready to come back." Matthias responded adding on to what Sam said as she nodded. 

"Exactly, I'm just not ready to continue. I don't think we are all ready to continue." Sam said as Matthias added on to the response, "We have been broken into twice. Attacked, and chased after." Matthias said looking at us all before he added onto his own response. "So here is what we are going to do, We are going to take the next couple of months, reinforce the vault, put the RSD in there right away, and let it sit. Okay? We don't touch it, we don't find another coordinate. We lock it away." Matthias said as everyone agreed with what Matthias said as they stood there before going back to Matthias's car. 

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