~Chapter 9~

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It had since been a few days since the entire argument and when River and Matthias were able to place the tracker. River had decided to stay away from many people, to avoid any more arguments. Even though she had no idea what Matthias decided to do. "So it's been a couple of days. Pins right here." Matthias spoke as he pointed at the computer screen. "You can see that it hasn't moved since he stopped driving a few days ago. I think we should go, make some moves, and bring you up to speed. We aren't all on the same page." Matthias spoke as Sam nodded before she spoke up after him. "I'm not completely against it. I agree I think the pin has been in the same spot long enough to be able to require some sort of action. I'm just not sure on how we should approach it." Sam explained as Woods nodded, responding to her comment. 

"I don't think we should hop in there." Woods responded as Matthias looked at him, "You don't want to go at all?" Matthias asked confused as Woods responded to his comment. "No, I think we should definitely go. But we have tracked him before. He had known about this. He could be expecting us, what if he's just sitting there waiting for us." Woods responded as River watched them talk. "So what if he is expecting us? Aren't they always expecting us though?" Matthias asked confused as River nodded, agreeing with his statement. "Well, I think what we are just trying to say is that if it is a trap, we aren't prepared," Sam explained as Matthias sighed looking at her. "It's always a trap, Sam," Matthias spoke as Woods looked at him. "That's the thing. He has had two days to set up a trap if he did set up one." Woods responded looking at him as Matthias spoke. "I doubt the guy is setting up a trap," Matthias responded as Woods sighed. 

"It does seem like he's living day to day there though," Matthias responded as Woods messed with his hands. "Well, would it hurt to go over to their perimeter and send a drone up?" Woods asked looking at them as Matthias nodded, "I don't think it would be a bad idea." Matthias responded as Sam looked at them. "So what are you guys thinking about? We pull up, arrive, do the drone. Then what? Stake out?" Sam asked as Matthias shrugged his shoulders. "It depends on what we see. It depends on what could be ditched in his car which is why I want to go right then and there." Matthias spoke as he continued with his statement. "If there is more than a ditched car. I think we should investigate, figure out a way to make it difficult for him to keep up with us." He explained as Sam and Woods looked at him. "I'm not opposed to that, if we can get time with whatever he's got going over there." Woods explained as Matthias nodded looking at him. 

"What do you mean by any means necessary? Do you know what he's doing here?" River asked looking at them as Sam shook her head. "I understand that this isn't like someone we're trying to be friends with but I'm saying our focus should be going to the tracker and getting the serum that he stole. That's the main goal. I don't want us to get sidetracked with other things." Sam explained as Woods looked at them. "It's slowing him down that will help us with our main goal. I mean it would keep him from following River home, from attacking any of us." Woods added as he stood there and the others looked at him. "We don't even know how much he actually has. He could have all of it you know." Matthias told them as Sam nodded, looking over at Matthias as she held the camera. "That's why I'm saying like that's what we should be focusing on. I don't want us to get there and we get distracted with some other plan." Sam said as they looked at her while they stood there. 

"I agree with Sam honestly. We need to all be on the same page before we leave." River responded looking at them as she stood there looking at the others. "How about we just see when we get there..." Matthias asked as Sam nodded looking at him. "We can be able to access the situation when we get there." Sam responded as Matthias nodded while Woods went to get the drone as River decided to follow him to get the drone. While walking to get the drone with River, Woods decided to speak up. "Why didn't you and Matt tell us what you two were doing. Instead of telling us after we got back." Woods asked looking at her as they stopped walking. "Well it was just all in the moment. We could tell you were both mad by our plan after he went straight, but we had a good plan Woods." River responded as she continued walking to get the drone with him. 

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