~Chapter 27~

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After the interaction that they had experienced, River had gone home for the night due to the stress levels that would continue to rise in the group. Everything to her was beginning to get tiring trying to keep up with everything but due to Matthias posting the videos on the channel for Subject 4 she was able to stay on track with everything due to the videos he would post. The next day she had gone into the office as Matthias dragged everyone to his mega desk office to show that John Doe had emailed him back while Woods asked about how he was doing while Matthias shrugged his shoulders before he read the chat logs. Matthias: We've been waiting for you to answer back. John Doe: A lot has been going on, I haven't gotten a chance to look at the picture you send especially with the drop-off you made. John Doe responded to him as Bailey brought up how he had responded but didn't look at the picture while Sam thought about how he might be talking about something else as Matthias got confused about the dropoff as they remembered the evidence that they gave him.

Matthias: You mean Ben? John Doe: Correct. Matthias: Has he been difficult? They all sat there looking at the conversation as Sam spoke looking at them. "I can't imagine he's a ray of sunshine in jail," Sam spoke as Matthias nodded agreeing with her as Bailey nodded looking at her. "He doesn't have access to the serum anymore," Bailey spoke as Matthias nodded while John Doe responded to him. John Doe: That's what I wanted to discuss with you, Benjamin has no intention of talking to us. I'm not surprised but it's been only so long we can keep him here and the patience of the officers interrogating him is thinner than my own. John responded as Sam brought up how he wasn't the team's problem anymore as Matthias went back to respond to him. Matthias: I gave you everything I have about him. I don't know a whole lot more. Matthias responded as Sam and Woods brought up about how everything was public information as Matthias spoke. "Wouldn't be a great detective if you weren't watching the videos," Matthias spoke as Woods nodded before seeing a response from John Doe. 

John Doe: I have different work around this, I want you and River to come and speak with him. Matthias: Do you think he's gonna talk to us? We were the ones that brought him in. Matthias responded to him as he spoke to the group, "That wouldn't make any sort of sense, why would he want to talk to us?" He asked curiously as Bailey talked about how they weren't going to be buddy-buddy with him after they had put him into the jail as John Doe responded to him. John Doe:  That's true, but I think we will regardless. Call it gut feeling. Matthias: Why's that? John Doe: He asked for both of you. Personally. John Doe responded as Bailey responded with how she wouldn't trust it as Sam asked the two of them if they would be comfortable with just simply going to talk with him about everything as River shrugged her shoulders as Matthias responded to him. Matthias: Do you think the picture I sent has to do something with it? Matthias sent back to him as he mentioned wanting to know if the things are all together and why it wasn't ending even though he had been behind bars.

John Doe: We can discuss that later, I promise. Getting you two an hour with him was a near-impossible task, we would have to move quickly. Matthias: Where are we supposed to go? Matthias asked him as he then asked the group if they were to have anything that they can't push back till tomorrow as River shook her head while Sam mentioned how she could be able to move things around as Woods questioned if he was able to leave his mask on or not as John Doe responded to Matthias. John Doe: I will email you the address and time to meet. It will be safe, I don't want you to feel concerned but unfortunately, it can only be you two. John Doe responded as Woods tried to tell Matthias to tell him that wasn't happening as Matthias responded to him. Matthias: No deal. The audience goes or we aren't going. John Doe: I doubt he will talk. Matthias: I think he will. John Doe: Why's that? Matthias: Call it gut feeling. John Doe: Very well, I'll forward you the details. After that interaction, Matthias had sighed before they went to the main lobby to hang out there for a while and to ask the fans what questions they should ask him. 

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