~Chapter 59~

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A few days later at the studio, River was sitting in the common area on her laptop working on some edits with the others when Matthias had come to them holding up a green folder as he spoke. "This looks familiar doesn't it?" Matthias asked them holding up the folder as Woods looked at him confused before he spoke looking at him. "What's in it?" Woods asked him as Matthias looked at him as he spoke, handing the file to Woods. "Open it up. These are supposed uh Chloe's attempts at suing Deb." Matthias explained to him as Sam sat there surprised as she spoke. "You're kidding," Sam responds looking at him as Matthias shook his head looking back at her. "What's this again?" Sam asked curiously looking at the folder as Woods began to read it. "Plaintiff's Claim and ORDER to Small Claims Court," Woods spoke looking at the paper as Sam nodded before she spoke as she sat there. "This is the stuff Gary was talking about." Sam spoke as River looked at it before she spoke, "It look's like there are multiple and both of them are void. She tried to sue Deb multiple times. You see though she never got through with it." River spoke looking at the papers as they saw it was many claims in the folder as Matthias spoke. "My assumption here, I don't think these went through because obviously when you're a subject of an experiment you sign your rights away," Matthias explained as it made sense to everyone as they nodded.

"She probably signed her life away and has no actual claim to like getting any sort of what? Like retaliation or like any sort of settlement for stuff she went through." Sam spoke as Woods agreed with her before he added on to what she was talking about. "I mean I'm sure she signed the contract and didn't know what to expect. Maybe she did read it, maybe the contract was just misleading?" Woods asked looking at them as Sam thought to herself before she spoke. "I mean sometimes contracts are one just like so big and then intimidating like a lot of people I feel like don't read conduct, I don't read terms and agreements." Sam spoke as they joked about how their firstborn could be owned to Apple as Sam looked at the papers as she spoke. "She was trying to sue Deb for what it looks like, she's just suing her for general malpractice which makes sense." Sam spoke as River agreed with her as they looked at the documents as Matthias spoke, "So this is like Chloe's medical profile and uh Syntec files. What do you see in there?" Matthias asked as Woods looked at it before he began to speak. "Allergies cat fur, grass, peanuts, how do you find this trial. Recommended by co-worker." Woods spoke looking at it as Matthias got confused as he stood there.

"Have we seen these files?" Matthias asked as River looked at them before she spoke. "I think we've saw versions of these files in the filing cabinet but I don't think you guys went too deep into it." River explained as Sam nodded agreeing with her as Woods continued reading the document. "Recommended for Project Pegasus and Project Spire. I feel like that's pretty familiar like we've seen something like that like a recommendation for Project Pegasus. I think our experiment survivor the one we can't name was a recommendation." Woods explained as Matthias nodded agreeing with him. "This is just interesting I'm just curious like what on this patient profile made her recommendation for not just one but two different projects." Sam explained as Matthias agreed with her before they looked through the documents finding things like injection tests. "Subject's pain level increased before complaining of odd hallunications. Coal chords are probably damaged. Category of severe adverse effect disability slash incapacity." Sam spoke reading part of the document as she continued. "Was study intervention discontinued due to the event, no. We saw that on some of the other severe adverse event forms." Sam continued as River looked at it as she sat there looking at the team.

"D signed off on all these. It is like very clear why she was upset with D because D was the one who signed off on this stuff." River explained as Matthias nodded before they continued looking through the file as they found one that was redacted to hide information that shouldn't be shown to the fans as Woods read it to everyone as Sam decided to read the lab report as she sat there. "It's Ferburary 15 2000, my concern with Chloe is my inability to treat her side effects effectively, the tests are falling further and further behind because she's not ready. Her hallucinations are odd they are of places people and even events she's never seen before, is this potential splintering, I don't know what that is." River spoke looking at them as Matthias got confused before speaking as he looked at her. "Splintering huh, not the first time we've heard that though." Matthias spoke as Sam agreed with him as River decided to continue reading the report, "I'll mark it as confirmed for the time being Scott can change it if necessary. So there is a mention of Scott. I don't know how much more of this testing she can handle. Scott has reported that her screaming is disturbing the other patients and she isn't hesitating to use that pain to spew threats to Syntec including myself." 

"There is one last part, considering her pain levels, I'm not surprised nor offended Scott seems uneasy though. I wouldn't be surprised if this was written around the same time we saw Scott and I think Zander having that conversation about Chloe I bet that happened in 2000. Like around all of this." River explained as Matthias agreed with her as he'sbegan to speak. "This shows that Chloe has motive." Matthias spoke as Sam added onto what he was saying as she spoke. "Chloe has a lot against Deb and Scott was trying to help her escape so maybe she did escape and maybe she got her revenge." Sam explained as they talked about her mental conditions before Matthias took the evidence to take it to his evidence board as they talked about how Gary might be their source since it was official files. River on her hand didn't really trust anyone that has come into contact with Syntec or worked there, since maybe a lot of them could and probably have lied about things to people. River heard Matthias and Woods talking about the email with John Doe before going to join them as Woods was planning to get her and Sam but when he saw her coming he decided to continue walking to get Sam. 

Matthias explained the entire email thing with John Doe as Matthias explained how it was a different email as they got confused before going into mega desk to look at it as Matthias pulled up an email from the name Jim Colt as he began to speak. "I got an email, I clicked it, it says Jim Colt. 0jimcolt0@gmail.com. Almost the exact same kind of formatting as scipiders. Look, I know it's been a few months since we last spoke. It's me, John Doe. I know about Deborah, and if you're all as tenacious as she said you were, I'm sure you're already coming through everything you can to find evidence for her murder. When I heard,  I knew I had to spring into action. I managed to pull some strings with someone I trust that works in forensic, I'm sure you'll find it interesting. I've left everything I could find in a folder that should be private. I'll be stopping by your studio soon." Matthias explained as River got confused as Sam spoke. 

"The last time we spoke to John Doe, we were setting up this whole evidence exchange, we go out there, he doesn't show up and his car is there just like abandoned. So we assumed something bad happened to him. In that email he was saying that he was burning that email, is Deb's death big enough for him to just come out of the shadows, tell us his real name, knowing that we film everything and upload it online." Sam spoke sitting there as Matthias nodded while he added on to what she was talking about. "It seems like he always has a reason for things." Matthias spoke before deciding to click on the link as they were able to find a lot of photos from the crime scene. It had been a lot of the things that they saw at the crime scene themselves when going. Finding things like the changing clock time, the viles, the cup and the body outline before finding an image of what looked like to be Deb in a body bag as everyone felt spooked out looking at it as they were confused as to why she ended up dying, standing up in that position. They were confused as to what had happened to her as how she could have died standing up which made no sense to anyone as they found the next image to show Deb without the body bag.

At that moment, River felt highly uncomfortable with that, she wasn't expecting them to also include an image of Deb without the body bag so seeing her like that made her feel spooked out. They ended up finding the autopsy, "Deborah redacted, even in the final autopsy report her name was redacted. Age 57, wait. Length, 5'7. Weight 145. Eyes green and hair brown. Blood Type, A+. Contents in blood, undetermined. Blood has crystallized and contents cannot be measured with accuracy." Matthias spoke as Woods gave his theory on how her body was crystallized while she was standing up. "She didn't decay." Matthias explained looking at them as River shivered out of being uncomfortable somewhat as Matthias continued. "Victim's flesh appears to be crystallized into a solid state. Room was recorded at 80 degrees, weather was recorded at mid-90s so we're unclear on how crystals formed. Victim was found standing straight up without leverage. Shadow marked on wall most likely due to the substance she encountered. Probable cause of death, exposure substance unknown." Matthias spoke. 

They talked about how it might have been close ups of Deb before finding what looked like to be something under a microscope with a lot of crystals as they were confused on how it could happen to someone as none of them had an answer for that as Matthias turned to the camera asking them what they should do about it as he sat there with the group as they sent a message to everyone to see what they should do about everything that they have found so far revolving Deb's murder. 

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