~Chapter 32~

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Author Note: SS will be Syntec Survivor.

Woods had walked into the room, closing the door behind him as Sam spoke looking at him. "Seriously Woods, why would you not tell us you stole evidence and try to quit the company." Sam spoke looking at him as Matthias added on to what Sam said as he was angry, "And then you tried to quit as if it wasn't tied to you at all while you had evidence. Did you take this a while ago and just forgot?" Matthias asked angrily as Woods sighed, taking the file from Matthias as he closed it. "I know this person." Woods only explained as River looked at him. "You know someone from Syntec?" She asked him as Woods nodded before getting asked why as he responded personally and how they were a close family friend as he explained how he knew the person the file was about and how the person ended up disappearing as he gave Matthias the file back as Matthias spoke. "This is why they both quit, so they could steal evidence," Matthias spoke as River looked at him. 

"Oh hold on Matt. I didn't know a thing about this, I quit for a reason, you know I've been getting stalked and now all of a sudden someone knows where Woods lives. Don't you see that it can be me who got someone to find out where he lives?" River spoke crossing her arms as she glared at him as Woods nodded, explaining how he took the file and how he didn't know what he was going to do with the file as Matthias ended up pulling out something with SPIRE written on it as he showed it to the camera before he spoke. "Do you have information on Project SPIRE you aren't telling us?" Matthias asked him as Woods shook his head as Matthias looked at River as she sighed. "I don't Matt, I don't okay? Playing the blaming game won't help us in this situation." River spoke as Matthias had begun to apologize over him not believing Woods as he began to lecture him before he spoke.

 "I'm going to tell you what's going to happen, you're going to move out of the way, and I'm going to walk out of the door with this. And we will figure out if we can trust the both of you." Matthias explained holding the file as Woods had mumbled something before opening the door as everyone left while River went to the main living room as she sat down picking up Roo as Woods closed his door, not wanting to be bothered for the time being as she respected that and left him alone. The next day River was sitting on her bed in her room looking at her phone as she could hear Woods talking to Matthias over the phone before hearing that he had stopped talking to him as River got confused before he knocked on the door. "Come in." River spoke to whoever knocked on the door as it opened revealing Woods. "Come on, Matt wants me back at the studio so I can help get in contact with the survivor," Woods spoke looking at her as she nodded before going to their separate cars to drive to the studio. When they both got to the studio they had been given their mic packs before going into the seating area near the kitchen in a blue base.

Woods had explained to the group how he contacted her when he had first gotten the file before they went to the mega desk to talk to the patient as Matthias went to pull up the email from Woods as they began to email the patient. Email: Would love to chat, I know you've been a part of some difficult things in the past regarding Syntec. Seeing as we are being negatively impacted by Syntec as well. Woodland Demars is an employee of mine and we are seeking your guidance. - Matt. After sending the email he went to start a google chat with the person. Matt: Are you there? Matthias sent to the person as everyone sat there waiting before they saw the profile picture change before he sent another message. Matt: Hello, I'm sure we're the last people you want to talk to; we wouldn't be reaching out if it wasn't important. Please respond when you can. Matthias sent once more as they saw the person was in the chat before they responded. SS: Who are you? What do you want? The person responded as Matthias sighed before he responded back to her.

Matt: Woods said he reached out to you right? I'm sure you have an idea of what's going on? Matthias responded back to her as the Syntec survivor responded quickly. SS: Not really. She responded as Matthias nodded before he messaged her back in the google chat, Matt: Well then, I will just cut to the chase. We are a group of YouTubers as Woods works with, we got caught up in everything Syntec. I assume you recognize the name? Matthias responded back to her as they listened to Woods explain how she disappeared for a few years as the person responded back to Matthias. SS: Is this a joke? I'd give anything to NOT recognize the name. The person responded as River understood, she herself was a part of a few experiments but was able to get away from the others before it was too late for her. Everyone began to watch as Matthias responded back to her. Matt: We've moved into one of their old locations without even knowing it. Now things are surfacing above them, it's hard to sum everything up. We are entangled with this place now, trying to stop it at the same time. It's incredibly frustrating. Matthias responded back to her as they watched her type for a few moments before responding back to them. SS: "Frustrating" isn't exactly one of my top five words to describe that company. You said you'd cut to the chase, what is it you want from ME? The person responded as Matthias remembered what he told her before responding back to her.

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