~Chapter 50~

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River was driving to work by herself that morning as she listened to music paying attention to the road as she was sitting there trying to process everything about what had happened with the whole D3B situation as she sighed. She had begun to think that Deb was going to become a close friend of hers, and now knowing the person she had begun to trust was killed hurts. She adjusted the bracelet on her wrist as she continued driving, the bracelet wasn't the one that the government was looking for but more of one she had in her jewelry box since it felt weird not having something there since she would wear the bracelet day and night. When River got to the studio she noticed that Matthias had been walking inside as she quickly went over to him so she could go inside with him as he held the new camera he recently got as she spoke looking at him. "New camera I see?" River spoke looking at him as he looked back at her before nodding as he chuckled. "You got any information or new things related to Deb?" Matthias asked looking at her as she shook her head looking back at him. "Sadly not, I've just been thinking about it a lot, not being able to wrap my head around the fact that Deb is dead, I was beginning to think of her as a close friend too." River explained looking at him as Matthias nodded looking at her before the two went inside the studio. 

When the two went inside the studio they had seen everyone standing or sitting as they both realized they were late for the scrum meeting as Matthias chuckled some before he stopped recording. River had one other meeting after that as she went into the mega desk seeing that Matthias was talking to Subject 4 about the cleaning crew as she hid to not be seen so he could talk to the fans in peace as Matthias came out after a minute being spooked by River as she laughed while Sam talked with him about bringing something mega desk back as they went to their next meeting as someone brought coffee which made River smile as she took her's drinking some of it as she heard Woods speak to Matthias. "Why did you move the mountaineer?" Woods asked him curiously as Matthias got confused before he responded back to him. "I didn't move the mountaineer." Matthias spoke looking at him as Woods spoke back to him. "Someone moved the mountaineer it's parked in the same spot." Woods explained as River looked at him confused before Matthias responded back to him. "Why?" Matthias asked curious as Woods chuckled some before responding back to him. "That's why I'm asking you." Woods responded as Matthias laughed everyone had began to head upstairs to see if Sam had moved it while going to their meeting.

They were able to find out that Sam hadn't move the mountaineer either as everyone got confused as Woods explained to her how it was in the same spot it was found as they joked about it being a different car as they went into the meeting as River heard them joke about joining the call with the name being Tanner's mom which made her chuckle. After the meeting they all went downstairs as Woods explained how the mountaineer was still there as River joined Matthias and Woods by the door as they all went outside going to blue base as Sam let them in before Matthias went to get his camera, coming back with the better quality one as they went to find the key to the mountaineer before going outside as Woods showed them the mountaineer as Sam joined them in walking towards it as they were able to realize that it was a brand new one as Sam spoke looking at Woods. "You fully destroyed the mountaineer." Sam spoke as Matthias nodded agreeing with her as he spoke looking at it. "The windshield doesn't even look broken." Matthias explained as Sam agreed as they continued walking towards it. When everyone got to the mountaineer they saw that it most definitely wasn't their's but the same one as Sam tried climbing up the wall as they saw that she had almost fell which made everyone laugh as she sat on the ground.

Woods was able to get up there as he helped her up as Matthias walked backwards before running and jumping onto the ledge to get up as Sam rolled her eyes jokingly while River stood there on the lower ground watching them as Woods noticed her standing there as he looked at her before she shook her head jokingly before trying to do the same thing as Matthias as she almost fell off from that but got help from Woods as she ended up stumbling onto the ground as Matthias caught that before he laughed. "You good?" Matthias asked her as she nodded laughing slightly before she responded back to him. "I tried being cool like you but failed, I guess that's why your the boss." She said as Matthias laughed while Woods helped her off the ground as well as they all looked at the mountaineer. Matthias had looked through the car window as he saw that someone had been in there Matthias ended up dropping down as he helped Sam get down as they began to walk towards the studio again to get Bailey as River jumped off as well, almost falling which made Woods jump down beside her as he spoke. "Don't try to break any bones." Woods spoke looking at her as she rolled her eyes going to join the others in getting Bailey. 

After they went into the studio Matthias explained the mountaineer being there as everyone sat on the couch as Matthias explained the entire start of the story as River listened since she wasn't there during that time as Matthias mentioned about pulling the cameras up before they decided to go outside to show Bailey the mountaineer as Woods spoke. "While I was walking, I realized. Oh wait, I broke the windshield." Woods spoke as they walked towards the mountaineer as Sam spoke to Bailey while Matthias jumped back up onto the ledge as Sam spoke about how Wes was killed and how she felt bad about it as they discussed about how it could be a prank from someone or a fan as Matthias explained everything inside while they discussed how it could have been a prank for them as Woods explained how the car wasn't there last night when he was at work and was there first thing in the morning. Matthias explained how he wanted a slushie as River nodded agreeing with him as he jumped down before they went to go and get a slushie as they all walked out with food and Slushies as Matthias asked everyone what flavors they got as they drove back to the studio as River sat in the trunk drinking her slushie so Sam could hold the camera in a comfortable position for herself as they decided to go and see the old mountaineer. 

When they got to the mountaineer River and Matthias was surprised seeing the damages that Woods had done to it as they looked at it while talking about the damages on it while River stood in the corner eating her pizza while Woods went to get it turned on, seeing that it wouldn't turn back on as Woods tried fixing it while the others talked about how the car was still there when they went outside to look at it as Woods mentioned how he was going to fix the car. A few days later they went outside seeing Woods driving the old mountaineer as River chuckled while Matthias explained how he was scared about stop driving incase it turned off. It had taken Woods a bit to get the old mountaineer with the new one as he parked it into the spot beside it while Sam stood in between it talking about how she hated it as Matthias went to join her and Woods on the higher level as River struggled for a moment to get up before Woods made a joke about the two cars. A few days before that they had all been standing there to get the vin number as Woods began to read it off. "4-M-2-Z-U-6-6-K-6-3-U-J-0-8-0-4-1." Woods read off as River noticed Matthias looking at his phone as he spoke. "Can you give me the last three or last 4?" Matthias spoke looking at him as Woods nodded before he spoke again.

"6-3-U-J-0-8-0-4-1." Woods rereads as Matthias looked at his phone before he looked up as he spoke. "That's the same." Matthias spoke looking at them as River stood there surprised as she spoke to him. "That can't be possible." River spoke looking at him as Sam nodded agreeing with him as Woods reread the numbers again to double-check as Matthias explained to them that it was the same car as he got an idea before he began to walk out of the garage as everyone followed him as they continued to follow him towards the other mountaineer, when he got to the mountaineer he jumped onto the ledge as he went towards the front door as he spoke. "What was the code again?" Matthias asked curious as he was given the code before using it on the car as they all heard the noise of it unlocking while Matthias put his hands up walking away from it as he yelled. "This is legally my car!" Matthias yelled looking at them as River was surprised as she looked at him. "How?" River responded as Woods stood by her being surprised as he spoke out loud looking at Matthias, "This makes no sense." Woods explained as Matthias explained how it was new and the exact same as Matthias looked at the camera before asking Subject 4 how it could be possible as he asked them for their help and what they should do about it. 

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