~Chapter 44~

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After the recent events Sam, Bailey, and Woods all sat in the room where they were tied up as Woods sat on the stairs before Sam spoke, "Okay, I'm rolling. What do we do? What do we even try to do? Do we try to get a hold of someone?" Sam asked as Bailey shrugged her shoulders, explaining how they wouldn't be able to contact anyone asked they asked Woods before he began to speak while looking at them. "They've been acting strange, or it could have just been the stress. I'm trying to wrap my head around it as well..." Woods spoke as Sam talked about how she didn't know what to do since they had been following Matthias's lead for most of the time as she explained how he was leading them in the wrong direction so he could be able to get the Spire location as Sam and Bailey talked about how Matthias and River were going to end up turning the Spire on since they had the help of Subject 4. While talking about the plan to stop the Spire they talked about how Matthias told Bailey that she was next as Sam spoke looking at Woods before continuing to ask everyone more questions.

They were able to find out that they had been working with Syphus for months as they talked about that before Woods began to speak. "There are no options. Bailey, I'm sorry, you should be out of here, you should be as far away from here as possible. There's nothing we can do." Woods spoke looking at her as Bailey had begun to start to cry. "Woods, we have to do something," Bailey explained looking at him as Woods raised his voice before he spoke. "There's nothing we can do, they've left, they've taken everything to track him down. They smashed the RSD. Bailey, you need to leave now." Woods said raising his voice before he left Blue Base to get space while Sam and Bailey followed him. They ended up following him to Red Base as Woods threw his eyes on the ground and grabbed a bat before going back to where the Mountaineer was. When he got to the Mountaineer, he began to attack the mountaineer while Sam and Bailey yelled at him to calm down, even though he didn't listen to them as he began yelling, while attacking the mountaineer. 

"This is years! Years we've just wasted." Woods yelled as he threw the bat going over to Sam and Bailey as the two tried to calm him down before he yelled once more. "Matt and River are gone! Half the valley might be gone!" Woods yelled as he stood there shaking with anger as Sam tried to calm him down as she spoke looking at him. "There's no telling what we still can or can't do okay? We need to breathe because I'm sure this is what Syphus wants, okay? He wants us to give all this up, he called us worthless, said we were inferior. We can't give in to that okay?" Sam explained looking at him as she held the camera before Bailey agreed, adding on to what Sam was speaking about. "Woods we can solve this, we can figure it out," Bailey explained to him as Woods nodded while trying to calm down Woods looked over to the mountaineer which made Sam look at him as she spoke. "Woods, where's your head at?" Sam asked curiously as Woods stood there before he spoke. "We just let both of them down..." Woods spoke as Sam sighed before she looked at him as she spoke. "There was no way we could have known that this is what was going to happen, absolutely no way, you know that right? How would we have known that this is what we were going to be dealing with and that this is the kind of long-game Syphus was playing?"

Once they got to the common area they all talked about the documents as everyone sat there while Bailey was on her phone with Subject 4 on the Discord server before explaining how everyone wasn't believing that it was her which the others knew would most likely happen since Matthias had been under mind control for months in the end as Bailey explained the information she saw from Subject 4 as they talked about how Syphus would need the codes to be able to activate the Spire as Bailey explained how there were two codes Peppermint and Hazelnut as Sam got confused before Woods spoke. "One to activate the serum and the other to do what Wes was intending," Woods explained looking at them as he sat there as Bailey nodded before Sam asked a question as she sat there with the camera. "How do we know which one is which? I feel like peppermint must be the good one considering hazelnut, remember with the Apple ii all of the kind of evil Syntec codes all came after confirmation of like we're out of creamer in the break room hazelnut or whatever and hazelnut feels like it leads to bad conversations so peppermint equals a good code by Wes's design but what are we suppose to do with that Syphus has to access to Subject 4,"

"Hopefully he hasn't seen this yet, we are taking a major gamble here but I feel like it's all we have," Bailey explained as Woods nodded agreeing with her as he spoke. "What do we do with it, you know? We don't even know where to go." Woods spoke looking at the camera as Sam spoke up looking at them, "We can still try to find the spire. It is just about what we think is the best plan of action if we do because Syphus did threaten both Matt and River. We are either trying to save them or we try to save them. If the good code is put into the Spire it feels like it must disperse the antidote, right? According to Wes's plans, we can try and do that we have the codes." Sam explained as they continued discussing everything that has happened, discussing how the RSD could have tracked them but since Nelson destroyed it there was no way to find out where they went as Woods spoke, standing up. "Unless there is a wire that is attached to the speaker that leads to the spire then I don't know," Woods explained as Sam nodded before she spoke standing in a way that showed both Woods and Bailey as she spoke. "If the spire is somehow helping Syphus control Matt and River, doesn't that feel like it would be transmitting something?" Sam asked as Woods caught on to what she was talking about before he spoke. 

"Like transmitting a signal," Woods explained as Sam nodded looking at him before discussing how they could be able to track it, as Woods realized Mike could be able to track it as they talked about how Mike might be able to come back since Matthias and he were friends and would maybe want to help save them as Woods went to call him while they all stood there. "Hello?" Mike said, answering the phone which made Woods perk up as he spoke back to him. "Mike," Woods responded as Mike was able to discover who it was as he spoke back to him. "Sup dude?" Mike responded to him before Woods began to speak once more. "Hey Uhm, I know you're mad at Matt. Hear us out, he needs our help." Woods explained to Mike as he got confused over the phone before responding to Woods. "What did he do now?" Mike asked confused as everyone chuckled awkwardly before Bailey decided to speak. "A lot," Bailey spoke as Sam decided to speak up as she sat there. "Hey Mike, it's Sam. It's honestly pretty hard to explain but we think you were the only one who can help us in this situation. Is there any way that you would be able to come in?"

"I don't know guys. Like- I've had to like, try and find new work and- I don't know." Mike spoke as Bailey sighed before she spoke. "We just need your help as a friend, not as a co-worker," Bailey explained as Sam nodded before she gave Mike part of the big news as she spoke. "Mike, Matt is in danger. It is going to sound insane if we explain it to you over the phone but I'm sorry we need you this is big." Sam explained before Mike gave in as he said he was going to come in. After a while, Mike came as he hugged Woods and Bailey being happy to see him as Sam explained to him what happened, "We don't know how to even explain it but I'm just gonna come out and say it. Matt has not been acting like Matt. Nelson Syphus has been controlling him and River through the serum." Sam explained to him as Mike got surprised before responding to her, "Like a mind control?" He asked confused as Sam nodded as they explained everything to him as they confirmed to him that they weren't haunted before discussing how they could be able to track the Spire before going upstairs as they explained the speaker to Mike and everything along with it.

The group was able to click that Nelson knew the code since about a month ago River got into the safe from the wall without telling them the code and saying how she didn't know what the code was. They ended up going to the warehouse to find a way to get a better signal with the spire as Woods found something that could help them as Woods began getting it set up as Bailey and Sam went to get the To-Go box for them before bringing it back over to Woods and Mike as they began to search for the Spire as they saw it was getting stronger as they got closer to the door. When Woods raised it they were able to hear the noise of it going off as everyone got surprised before Woods looked at Bailey. "Bailey get the go box. That's it, that's the spire." Woods explained to Sam as Bailey ran off to get the go box. 

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