~Chapter 46~

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It had been a few days since the last events as River stood in the bathroom brushing her teeth. After the events with the Spire River had decided to not go into work for a while and to rest while Woods would continue to go to work. He would normally provide her with updated information and helped her over the few days to help catch her up with what happened after she had been under the control of Nelson for 7 months. She went to her room to get dressed as she planned to go to the Studio today before she left her room as Woods spoke. "You ready? I promised Matt I wouldn't let you drive just so soon." Woods spoke looking at him as she nodded before the two went out to Wood's car and headed towards the studio. When she got to the studio she followed Woods inside, seeing everyone except Sam sitting around as River smiled softly. "Hey, guys." River told them as they responded hey back before Woods went to go sit down and work on some stuff as River went to her office to put her things away. When she came back she had seen Matthias coming into the office as Kat spoke looking at Matthias. "You're gonna get pinched today, for sure. Just letting you know that." Kat explained to him as Woods nodded before he added on. 

"Yeah, Sam's all about that function game," Woods added which made everyone laugh some before Matthias looked at Woods as he spoke. "Woods can you help me out with something? There's something in the back of my car that I need help getting out." Matthias asked him curiously as Woods nodded before joking about if it was stuff or not River decided to tag along getting curious as to what Matthias had as he spoke. "You know how we were curious about how Nelson was making things happen?" Matthias asked them when he realized River tagged along as she and Woods nodded before Matthias continued. "Well here's one of them," Matthias explained as he opened his truck to reveal the mannequins as Woods and River were able to laugh some from it while Matthias spoke. "So there were multiple dummies," Matthias spoke as Woods mentioned how he was hoping to not see the mannequins as they looked into it seeing one had Matthias's clothes still Woods went to take out one of the mannequins as they ended up finding the string as River looked at it confused.

"It's how that mannequin's head turned when in the mountaineer." River said looking at them as Woods took the string, making the mannequin's head turn which made River and Matthias laugh as they went back into the building River went to her office to grab her laptop as she came back down to sit on the couch as she worked on editing things as she heard Matthias speak. "When did we paint everything black?" Matthias asked confused as Woods went back to respond to him from another room as he spoke. "When you went all depresso!" Woods responded to him which made River laugh as they discussed the walls being a different color River went back to working on editing things as she sat with the others in the lobby area before Sam and Matthias came downstairs as he explained the mannequin to her as she laughed when Sam gagged when she saw it as they talked about Mike before deciding to go and see Mike while River stayed in the blue base working on editing before seeing them come back going to megabase as Matthias explained how he found some things with answers as River got up going inside to sit down as Matthias explained everything he found before he showed a note from D which made everyone surprised

"I suppose, it's time: it's truly now or never. I've been waiting for quite some time, started to think it wouldn't happen... no, I knew. But like this? It's hard to say. But I can't run away, not now. This is my only chance. And I'm more than willing to play my part. I know the sacrifice is great, the fear is truly paralyzing. But it needs to be done. All of this is for him. -D" Matthias spoke as everyone was surprised while they sat there discussing how D could have been able to get it. After the discussion, Matthias turned to his computer as Sam discovered it was the writing on the walls he explained it was on the mac before showing the session names to everyone as he revealed the truth behind the writing on the walls as it showed Matthias standing by the wall and hiding after every written word. Matthias was able to show the different clips showing that River had to stand on the game thing to write the words on the wall before she would go to hide Matthias explained what it felt like for him and River nodded agreeing with him as they joked about a video Matthias saw before finding another photo of the footsteps.

"It's a 360 view so you could make it look like it's in real-time," Woods explained looking at him as Matthias saw it before being surprised as Woods brought up everything from that video to Matthias as they continued to talk about it as Matthias ended up showing another part of the footage of him talking to no one but himself as they talked about it for a while River sat there in silence trying to remember everything that has happened from the last 7 months as Matthias explained the last thing he remembered was when he turned off the radiation bomb which made River agree with him, that had been the only thing she would be able to remember herself as well as Sam, Woods, and Bailey explained how Matthias destroyed the server as both Matthias and River got confused about the body outline before deciding to go to red base as they went upstairs while seeing black circles in the walls, getting explained it was from the speakers as everyone went upstairs before being greeted by the body outline and the hole in the wall as River looked at it surprised. 

River looked at the hole in the wall as they explained how River was able to get into the safe but became defensive when being asked about the code to the safe as they all looked at the body outline. After looking in the room everyone left red base going back to the mega desk Matthias went to sit down in his chair as he spoke about how it wouldn't be able to be over until Nelson was gone he spoke, "You know what they say about them right? If you can't beat them-" Matthias began as it switched to overkill before he spoke once more. "Join them," OverKill responded looking at the camera with his glasses as he smiled.

Author Note
Season 4 begins on 4.4.22, see you all then :)
Also, Since I am caught up, stories will be posted either Tuesday or the next day if Matthias posts a video. If he posts another video on Friday I will try to get it done during the weekend or on Friday itself. 

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