~Chapter 55~

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River was working in her room putting together a similar bulletin board Matthias had in his office for herself as she put the clues she had already on the board before deciding to go to the office with the board to be able to work on it at the studio. When she got to the studio she went inside putting the board in her office and continued putting it together waiting for her upcoming meeting before going into the meeting room as she watched Sam and Bailey began to sing One Direction as Matthias came in before they had begun their meeting. After the meeting,, River was going downstairs and Matthias began to speak. "Sam, River, do you want to stake out to catch him going to the mountaineer?" Matthias asked looking at the two of them as Sam looked at him before she responded to him. "Do you think he's going to do it at the same time?" Sam asked as Matthias began to speak. "So I found out he did it two days in a row at the same time. I have a theory he is going to show up again today." Matthias spoke as River agreed with him while going downstairs as Matthias went to ask Bailey.

A while later River was sitting outside working as she heard her phone going off as she picked it up seeing it was from Sam as she decided to answer it, hearing the plan for the stakeout plans as she decided to go inside the building over to the others as she went to sit on the couch listening to everyone discuss about the things related to the mountaineer and Scott until time came for them to stake out as they saw that the mountaineer was still there as everyone went behind the bushes as Matthias connected as he joked about what would happen if he saw Scott while they talked about the stuff on the ground as River kneeled with the others as Matthias announced one minute until Scott would come before seeing Scott as Matthias came out of the bushes with everyone else as he spoke. "Scott." Matthias spoke hoping up onto the ledge as he looked at him. "No! No, uh... Syntec employees are restricted, from speaking to, uh... any... uh... reports. So no. Uh... No, comments." Scott spoke looking at them as Matthias shook his head looking at him. "Hey relax relax I'm not here to question." Matthias began as he saw that Scott was trying to get inside the mountaineer as he tried stopping him.

"Hey, before you go-" Matthias began as Scott put his briefcase into the backseat before he spoke. "Syntec employees are restricted from speaking to all members of the media, or any reporters. So, no comment. Sorry." Scott spoke about to get into the car as Matthias spoke looking at him. "I understand, please just hear me out. I'm not a reporter, okay? This looks like a reporting rig I'm not a reporter do you understand? Not a reporter. I actually got some questions for you, and it kind of involves you. Look, where is Wes? Right now?" Matthias spoke looking at him as Scott took a moment before responding back to him. "Uh... he's in his office." Scott spoke as River stood with the others shaking her head as she spoke. "Where are you going right now?" River asked as Scott didn't respond for a moment before he did respond. "No where, I just had to get something." Scott spoke going into the car to grab his candy as he closed the car door which made Matthias speak, "Can you answer a couple of my questions?" Matthias spoke looking at him as Scott shook his head as he spoke. "I don't know you or who you are or anything about you and um..." Scott spoke as Matthias turned to the team for help as Sam spoke.

"You came to the front of the building claiming to work at Syntec but we've been in that building for years." Sam spoke as Woods added on to what Sam was saying, "Something's off, something's off for us something's off for you. I'm sure we just need your help." Woods spoke as Scoot got confused before he began to speak. "I talked to you. You talked to me, last week?" Scott asked looking at them as Sam nodded explaining how he was looking for Deb or Wes as River explained to him how they can prove that he was there with the footage that they have as Scott spoke. "Who are you?" Scott asked looking at them as Matthias spoke. "My name is Matthias, this is Woods, Bailey, Sam, and River." Matthias spoke, motioning to each person when he mentioned them as he continued. "We are Project 863 does that mean anything to you? We worked in that building one week ago." Matthias began as Scott cut him off by speaking, "How did you hear about that?" Scott asked looking at him as Matthias sighed which made River speak. "We are that." River explained looking at him as Matthias spoke looking at Scott. "I met you a week ago you don't remember that?"

"No... I. No! No!" Scott spoke looking at him as Matthias spoke looking at him. "You literally walked in my front door. You don't remember any of that?" Matthias spoke looking at him as Scott shook his head as he spoke. "You work at Syntec?" Scott spoke as River shook her head as she stepped towards Scott before speaking. "We don't work at Syntec that isn't Syntec." She explained to him as he quickly raised his voice as he spoke. "That's Syntec! I work here." Scott spoke which made Matthias laugh which made Bailey speak as she looked at him. "Are you at work right now?" Bailey asked looking at him as Scott nodded before asking him what building as he spoke. "I'm leaving. I can't tell you where I'm going." Scott spoke looking at them as Sam decided to speak as she looked at him. "Does the name Deb mean anything to you? Cause this is apparently her project. We've been working with her for what? Years? She has had documents about me since I was born. She has documents about all of us. She has gathered us tto be a part of this project." Sam spoke looking at him which made Matthias nod as he spoke. "Look, ask me anything you want. Okay? Ask me anything you want and I'll be straight up with you." 

"Why did Deb reach out to you?" Scott asked as he had taken off his glasses as he stood there. "She said to stop Nelson." Matthias spoke as Scott put his glasses back on as he began to speak. "Deb is trying to stop Nelson?" Scott asked looking at them as Matthias nodded before River spoke. "That's what we think it is. We've never actually met her in person." River spoke looking at him as he turned to her before he spoke. "Stop Nelson from what?" Scott asked curious as Matthias looked at him before he responded. "From hurting people. I don't know man. We just need your fault. Do you have a briefcase in there?" Matthias asked looking at him as Scott nodded before explaining how he takes it with him everywhere as he went to grab it as he showed it to the group as Matthias spoke. "Look I can prove to you that what I'm saying is a hundred percent fact because I can tell you the most likely behind a shadow of a doubt exactly what in that." Matthias spoke talking about the briefcase as Scott looked at him before he responded back to him. "You can't know what's in here." Scott explained looking at Matthias as he nodded before responding back to him.

"We know. I know what's in there. I know what['s in there because you can in to my studio you left i. We opened it, what you have in there is some sort of personal planner, you have a mars bar, you have a passport, a quantum mechanics book, a device some sort of device we think electrically stimulated and injects serum." Matthias spoke as Woods added onto what Matthias was talking about. "The contacts in your planner are Chloe, Deb, Wes, and Nelson." Woods added as Scott moved to put his briefcase on the car roof before Matthias explained how he was on the video there before explaining how they need answers for their questions as Matthias asked if he was right about the briefcase which made Scott take the briefcase as he opened it to show everything that was in there to be correct before closing the briefcase and giving it back to Scott as Sam spoke. "Who's Chloe?" Sam asked looking at him as Scott looked at her before he spoke. "You're not working for Nelson?" Scott asked which made everyone respond with a no which made Scott speak. "Watch tapes. Tell you what was in my briefcase and then send you out here, to..." Scott began which made everyone shake their heads as Matthias spoke looking at him.

"Who's Chloe?" Matthias asked looking at him as Scott sighed before responding back to him. "Chloe... Um... is someone I've been working with and things got carried away." Scott explained as Matthias got confused before responding back to him. "Can you tell me more?" Matthias asked curiously as Scott shook his head before Matthias began to ask more about the passport that had been in the case as Scott was able to explain to them how he had to get her out since they were destroying her. Matthias ended up having to explain to Scott that Deb had been killed once Scott had explained how he was staying at a safe house. Which gave him a look of hurt as he asked questions before Matthias explained how Deb told him through the Apple II before explaining how their top suspect was Gary Reynolds which made Scott confused before he explained how he had never interacted or talked to Gary and he was just a name that he knew. Scott ended up getting angry that the team had ended up losing the bracelet and the absalate as Sam explained everything that happened up to the moment of Gary calling them to tell them Deb was dead. 

After a few of conversation they were able to get the location of Deb's safehouse given by Scott before giving Matthias the key for the safe house as Matthias thanked him before explaining how they were to pass cross paths again as Sam told Scott he could come back if he needs help as Matthias and Scott shook hands before walking away from one another as they got confused as to where he was going before he spoke. "I don't't think this was his car. This possibly goes to where Deb was murdered. Do we go? Are we going?" Matthias asked looking at them before asking the fans what to do with it and how to handle it as everyone stood there surprised.

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