~Chapter 58~

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River was sitting at the mega desk with Matthias since she didn't have anything to do and wanted to join in looking through Reddit before he had called Gary Reynolds before 4 pm as she watched him put on his sunglasses which made her chuckle. She sat there as he saw the video of the 'red mountaineer' video that has gotten most of the fan's attention and about Scott's briefcase and other memes. It wasn't long until Matthias found a presentation about Scott as Matthias read through it as River sat there in the back. The presentation talks about how Scott had started working at Syntec when he was young but makes no sense how he and Ben looked too young and other people. They went through the presentation before looking through more fan art, fan made things, and memes before the two went into the main lounge so they could call Gary Reynolds as they talked about what else they could lose if they were to the lose the studio as Matthias explained to everyone that he had something against his sleeve. 

He explained to them the information they have against Gary with Deb's murder as he went into his office to call him as it rung a few moments before Gary answered as he spoke. "State your name." The voice spoke through the phone as Matthias responded back to him. "Are you waiting for somebody else to call? Whatever. Matthias." Matthias responded back as the others stood there since they weren't able to hear the conversation at the time. "I'm assuming the only reason you're calling is because you saw my proclamation for your studio. That, or you've decided to hand the absalate to me." Gary responded back to him as Matthias sighed before he responded back to him. "Yeah, pretty hard to miss man. You feel good about yourself? Strong arming a landlord to force a small business owner out of their property just because we're wrapped up in this." Matthias responded back to him as River stood there wishing she could hear the conversation, to know what Gary is responding with.

"Don't play dum. You know your business isn't as oblivious to all of this as you claim." Gary had responded back to Matthias as Matthias on his side of the phone responded back to him as he stood there. "Well it doesn't matter because I don't care man. I'm gonna keep uploading, I'm gonna keep uploading, I'm not gonna stop uploading and everything we find, we're going to keep putting online because I got a feeling this isn't going to stop no matter what." Matthias responded back to him as River and Woods smiled at one another and cheered silently, glad that Matthias had been standing his ground against Gary with the studio as Gary responded back to Matthias over the phone. "I will be difficult for your minions in "Subject 4" to continue to help you if your studio is shut down. And since you've declined my request, that's exactly what will happen." Gary responded back to him as Matthias quietly chuckled as he responded back to him as he stood there.

"No, I don't think it will actually, not when you hear what I have to say." Matthias responded back as Gary responded back to him quickly. "I doubt it will be anything of use." Gary responded as Matthias chuckled before he spoke,"How about the fact that I just found evidence that ties you to Deb's murder." Matthias responded back which made the team surprised as they noticed Matthias standing there in silence for a few minutes which made Matthias chuckle as he spoke again. "Nothing to say? You used your access to all whatever records you got access to and you sent letters to Deb's address where she was murdered. You knew where she was, right now, I only know of three people that do, right? So here's what's gonna happen, we're gonna keep digging, okay? We're going to solve this murder and if you're in the way, we're gonna dig that up, and we're gonna put you on blast. How about that?" Matthias responded back to him as he leaned against the doorframe when he spoke about it as he stood there.

"Fine. Fine, I see we have reached an impasse." Gary responded back to Matthias over the phone as Matthias got confused before he responded back to him. "Is it an impasse though?" Matthias responded as he stood there in silence for a moment before Gary responded back to him. "Then might I suggest a deal?" Gary responded as Matthias got confused before he spoke. "What kind of deal?" Matthias asked him as Gary responded back to him quickly this time as he spoke. "An exchange of information. I know the Absalate was stolen, I've been watching your videos to keep myself updated with your whereabouts. But that's not something I can find, not even with all the resources in the world. Syntec is very good at keeping experiments like that hidden." Gary responded back as Matthias sighed standing there as he responded back to him. "So what? We're the only ones that can find it or something." Matthias asked him as Gary responded back quickly to him as he spoke. "It happened in your studio, so the likelihood is high." 

"So you want us to find it?" Matthias asked him confused as he stood there. "I will cut the eviction and give you the information you need. In exchange, you WILL deliver the Absalate to me when you receive it. Failure to do so will not bode well on your company." Gary responded back to him as Matthias wasn't trusting Gary as he responded back to him. "How can I trust your information is good. Especially after what just happened, you threatened me. I don't even care about this kind of stuff, I'm trying to solve Deb's murder." Matthias responded back to him, sighing slightly in the process as Gary responded back to him. "And I have information that can lead you down the right path. You don't have anyone else but myself to help you." Gary responded back to him as Matthias knew that Gary was the only one since a lot of people had started to leave them. "Fine, Fine. We'll take the deal." Matthias responded back to him as he sighed looking at the group as Gary responded back to him. 

"Good. You've already heard of a patient named 'Chloe', yes? She was experimented on heavily at Syntec. So much so she's required assisted living since she left just to do basic tasks. SHe constantly tried to sue Syntec, specifallcy Deborah, for what they did to her while she was in their care. Her lawsuits were relentless, and I'm sure she was getting desperate near the end." Gary responded back to him as Matthias was confused before he began to speak. "So you're telling me that she she had a motive?" Matthias asked him as Gary responded back to him on the phone. "Considering her relationship with Deborah, I wouldn't be surprised." Gary responded as Matthias stood there surprised before he asked Gary a question. "Where's Chloe now?" Matthias asked him curiously as Gary responded. "Uncertain. But your new friend might know." Gary responded back to him as Matthias was a bit of surprised as he spoke. "Scott? We don't have a way to contact him." Matthias asked him as River got confused on why they were talking about Scott, since her or the team wasn't able to hear the call between the two. 

"That is all I am at liberty to tell you. You want a path to look into who murdered Deborah. Find Chloe." Gary responded back to him as Matthias sighed before he spoke. "Fine." Matthias responded back to him as he hung up before Woods began to speak. "Did you make a deal with the government?" Woods asked which made Matthias chuckle as he shook his head before he spoke. "With Gary. I doubt other people know he's making these deals." Matthias spoke looking at them as River looked at him before she spoke. "What about Chloe?" River asked him as Matthias turned to her before he spoke. "He said that she was experiemented on heavily, and now she needs assisted living and he said she was getting desperate." Matthias explained to River and the entire group as Sam was surprised before she began to speak. "So she wants revenge?" Sam asked confused as Matthias nodded looking at her as he explained how Chloe has a moitve if they were to be able to confirm it due to Gary giving him the information. He had also explained to them that he didn't know what happened to  her nor why she needs assisted living as they discussed how Deb was the only person who had tried to stop the experiments.

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