~Chapter 65~

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Everyone had been sitting at the mega desk as Matthias was talking to everyone about how Scott dropped off a DVD at the door Woods had the note in his hand before he began to read it out to everyone. "I found this at Location Number 7. You'll want to watch it ASAP." Woods spoke in his best Scott's voice as they talked about finding the footage of the whole thing involving Sam and Woods as they talked about how Scott was in the vault which made River laugh as Woods explained how they always seemed to bombard him with questions. "I wonder where Scott's staying," Bailey spoke as Woods mentioned something but Bailey didn't catch it correctly as she said back to him. "A hospital?" Bailey asked looking at him as Woods looked back at her before he responded to her, "A hostel." Woods responded as everyone laughed at how Bailey thought it was a hospital. "Hey guys, I just checked into a hospital," Matthias spoke in a joking way about where Scott lived and River decided to join in with the joke as she said. "The most expensive rent." River spoke as Matthias laughed before talking about how it would be ten thousand dollars a night before Alex mentioned that they should probably watch it River nodded agreeing with her as Matthias nodded before he began to speak. "We do this thing, Alex, where we avoid what we need to do. Or we set ourselves up to do it because we're nervous about it." Matthias explained as River agreed with him.

After Sam mentioned how she was still nervous about finding the footage from the locker, Matthias went to put the footage they got from Scott into the computer to watch it. "So it's location number 7. Oh, we got movement." Matthias spoke as they realized that it was John Doe due to the hoodie he usually wears they watched him grab the container that had contained the DNA inside Matthias got surprised looking at it as he began to speak. "He messaged me before we went into Location 7. I didn't tell you this, I didn't tell you this, I told Sam and River." Matthias spoke as Woods asked why he wasn't told about it which made Sam speak up about how it was in the video and since Woods didn't know about it they knew that he didn't watch the video before Matthias continued. "Anyways, John Doe emailed me and was like there's nothing in there. Don't worry about it." Matthias spoke looking at them as Woods began to speak. "Why was he going in there?" Woods asked as Matthias talked about how Scott might not have known that they knew John Doe was already going in there so when he saw John Doe on the footage he might have wondered who he was as they continued watching the video. They watched John Doe looking through everything and checking the lockers as they got confused before Sam explained how they were trying to find evidence of things like the lantern since they believed it was the reason how Deb was splintered. 

When watching the video they saw John Doe go under the desk to look at the stuff underneath it as they noticed the case but to confirm that he brought the case with him as they were able to find out that John Doe was doing something with the radioactive box they found. They watched him grab the box taking something out of it before realizing that John Doe might have lied to them and found something they saw a light turn on as they realized it was a lantern before he left as they were able to figure out that John Doe found a lantern inside Location 7 s they talked about the evidence from Deb's department that trials were being done at the location for the lantern. It confirmed to everyone that John Doe was lying to them unless it hadn't been John Doe. "Unless it's not him... Unless it's him but not him. Do you get it?" Matthias spoke looking at River as it was able to click in her head as she got surprised as she sat there looking at him. "You don't mean..." River spoke looking at him as Alex began to speak. "I mean someone would have to know him," Alex spoke as Matthias shook his head before he began to speak. "No, I'm saying... you see what I'm saying? This is all starting to make sense now. When he was attacked in his car it must have been Nelson and then Nelson converted him. So it's Nelson." Matthias spoke as Sam got confused before she spoke looking at Matthias as she held the camera.

"Didn't we deactivate the spire? Like when we put in the code and everything it said initiating passive mode." Sam asked confused as Alex looked at her before she responded to Sam. "Wouldn't passive mode mean it's still working then?" Alex asked looking at Matthias as he began to speak looking at them as he spoke. "Initiating passive mode in subjects. So in other words it changed us to passive but if it changed us to passive, then he would have been put in passive mode if Nelson infected him. Unless he was out of range." Matthias explained as it had made sense to River as she nodded looking at him before she spoke up. "Yeah true, he was on the run..." River spoke looking at him as Matthias agreed with her before he began to speak. "Maybe Nelson took him far away. He said he was on the run. Did he say how far he had traveled? I think Nelson infected him when he was attacked when we found the police car abandoned." Matthias spoke as Bailey explained how he was acting strange and was acting extremely strange when he came to the studio which made Alex confused as Sam explained how he wasn't answering their questions and didn't sound like he did over email as Matthias explained how he could have wanted something from them. 

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