~Chapter 8~

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Author's Note: I'm so sorry for how long this chapter is. Just wanted to go by each episode lmao

After a few hours, River and Woods had been working in red base to be able to create something that can be used to distract the phantom long enough so the tracker can be placed. Matthias had walked into the warehouse where the two were as they looked over to him. "How is it looking?" He asked curiously as River responded to him. "It's going pretty well." River responded as Matthias nodded going over to see what they were doing as Woods had been taking care of the concrete pieces. "This is just a piece of concrete?" Matthias asked looking at the pieces before seeing the D plus W in there as he chuckled. 

"Is there anything in there?" Matthias asked once he was able to calm down and be serious as Woods nodded. "Yeah, there is a safe in it," Woods responded as Matthias nodded. "It'll even distract him further. Let's grab this, can you put it in there?" Matthias asked glancing over to the clear bin that was near Woods's feet as he nodded before they put it into the bin. "Let's figure out what else we need," Matthias explained as the three in front of him nodded while Sam spoke. "Binoculars?" Sam suggested as Woods nodded going to get it while the others spoke. "First aid." River said as she randomly grabbed the fire extinguisher into the bin as Matthias and Sam looked at her confused. 

"This is a stakeout. What are we?" Sam asked confused as River looked at them. "This will be a to-go bag," Matthias explained, realizing what River was planning to do as Sam spoke. "I would say if it fits." Sam told them as River nodded while Woods walked over with gas masks and binoculars. Matthias remembered about the Geiger counter as he grabbed it while Woods walked over. "I kept the lockpick set." Woods said giving it to Matthias as he got confused. "What are we going to do with this? I don't know how to pick locks." Matthias responded looking at him as River chuckled some. "That's why I kept it I wanted to learn." Woods responded as he laughed while River went to get the first aid kit. Matthias had gotten a pair of gloves that were needed for holding things that are hot as they looked at the items they have. 

"Maybe we need Tools?" Matthias asked confused as he continued. "Tools like screwdrivers or hammers or pry bar." He asked looking around before grabbing a bat as River looked at it confused before speaking. "Incase." He said jokingly as River chuckled. "We might need a bigger box later. This is a pretty good starter kit though." Woods said as Matthias spoke up. "We'll need a cyber truck later." Matthias said as Woods looked at him. "Like a tesla truck?" Woods asked looking at him as Matthias nodded while the two of them laughed. River watched Woods pick up a sling shot as she realized it was from a video from Dope or Nope as she watched him attempt to use it but ended up hitting himself with it as she laughed. "It would go along with the bats!" Woods said proud of himself as Matthias looked at him.

"You gonna run and use it?" Matthias asked laughing as Sam looked at Matthias. "It's a range weapon." Sam responded as Matthias looked back at her. "But why?" He asked as River chuckled some, "He thinks it's cool." She said in a mockingly tone which caused the group to laugh while Woods softly threw one of the ammo at her causing her to laugh. "We don't need the slingshot though." Sam said looking at him as Woods nodded before sitting it on the table while Matthias looked through the items making sure that they have everything they need. Woods grabbed the Geiger counter as he putt hem into the bin as Woods sets the lid on the bin before going out to the car. When they got to the location the group looked around. "We are almost at the location and there is a couple decent spots but the question remains is where do we go for cover?" Matthiased asked as no one responded due to not knowing.

"If you see something call it out." Matthias told them again as he continued to drive around the area as Woods pointed out a certain area. "There's some overgrown areas over here." Woods responded looking at him as Matthias nodded. "The area is overgrown but that looks a little too active. My thinking is maybe we gotta go back to one of the buildings to see if there is Barren and less suspicious. To be moving around, we gotta remember I have to park the car somewhere where it can't be seen and have different points so I can plant the tracking device and you all can warn me. We don't want to be in the same spot, but we also want to be equal distant from the car too." Matthias explained looking at them as Woods nodded. "We have time though." Woods explained as Matthias looked around before speaking. 

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