~Chapter 57~

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River had been walking into the studio seeing that Matthias was taking a folder off of the window she got confused before the two went into the studio before asking about the folder which made Sam speak. "Yeah, but it wasn't labeled. So I assumed it was not for me. Maybe it was just from like a neighbor or something who taped it. You know how sometimes when people are filming something in the area." Sam explained as Bailey nodded agreeing with her before she spoke. "Yeah, it could be a filming notice," Bailey explained looking at him as Matthias agreed before as she went to work on some things down in the common area with Sam, Bailey, Woods and others as she watched Matthias drop a file in front of everyone as Woods opened it before talking about how termination of lease as Matthias explained how they were being evicted as River sat up in her chair confused and shocked. Woods looked through it as he read one of the letters that mentioned the smoke that had happened a long time ago as Sam asked why they were getting complaints about it now which Matthias had no answer for as Matthias explained how it was on front of Blue as Bailey explained how it was on front of Red as River got confused.

"Alright I'm just going to go get the other ones, have everyone go to the meeting room." Matthias explained looking at them as River shook her head looking at him. "Don't, I'll go get them, just make sure everyone is there." River explained to him as Matthias nodded before she left them going by the door as she saw one on red and orange as well as she began to walk to the bases to get the folders as she began walking back to blue base with the folders in her hands. When she got back into the studio she handed Sam the three folders before going inside as Sam explained to the people who didn't know what was going on while handing the folders to Lauren about the eviction notice as she got confused. Everyone talked about how they hadn't had any conversations with their neighbor's as they were able to figure out all of the complaints had been from things that were related to Project 863 as Sam read one of the complaints, which was from the Matthias and Ben meet up. Woods had begun to read the next complaint from the stakeout was as he sighed sitting there before they talked about it as Woods began to read the next complaint as it was about how fans had called their neighbors as River sat there surprised.

"Did you tell our audience to like leave our neighbors alone and not come here." Sam spoke looking at the others as River remembered about how Scott had came to their studio which gave her chills as she sat there before discussing about the complaints once more as Woods read the complaints from Red base with things like the satellite and the mannequin as Matthias got an idea as he spoke looking at Woods. "Woods, can you do me a favor? Can you just like go knock it out and deal it out?" Matthias explained as they joked about how Woods was going to go up to them in a jokingly furious way which made River chuckle. After the game plan, River went to join Woods and Bailey in talking to the neighbors about everything while the others had continued to discuss about the complaints from orange base and how it has only been events from Project 863. River and Woods came back to the studio a bit while later as Woods knocked on the door before being let in as River showed the journal they had gotten from a neighbor as she sat it on the table.

Matthias picked up the journey after closing the complaint folder in front of him as Woods explained. "We talked to a neighbor. Me and River explained our whole life story. They seem pretty annoyed, still. They handed River that and explained that was somewhere tucked away in their office." Woods explained looking at them as Sam looked at them confused. "Why did they give it to you?" Sam asked curious as RIver decided to speak as she looked at Sam. "They didn't know what to do with it. They thought it was ours and it is. Like it has our stuff in it." River spoke as Matthias opened it, finding the cipher in it and the journal entry from the other journal. Woods had explained there was another page as Matthias got confused before he showed the third page to everyone as he began to read it. "The pegasus serum is beyond anything I've ever seen before and as much as I fear the consequences that will arise from it's abilities, I cannot help the fascination I feel the more it grows, it's like a paresite hooking into and absorbing other projects that wouldn't have succeeded on their own without it's influence. It's why Nelson is so protective over it. I'm not kidding myself, it's dangerous." Matthias began.

" and of course I must be careful when speaking up. LestI be accused of trying to handicap the company, this doesn't bode well." Matthias finished as they talked about how it could be D or fanfic from their neighbors as they were able to find out there was no name on it as they suggested matching it as Matthias got up going to the vault as he unlocked it. They were able to see that the journal was now gone as Matthias got confused as he decided to put it on the shelf and decide to check the cameras before they went back into the meeting room as Sam explained how the original journal is gone as Matthias was on his phone getting the camera pulled up. Matthias chuckled as he stood there with his phone which made everyone get confused as he spoke. "Is that a glitch?" Matthias spoke as everyone got more confused as Matthias spoke. "It looks like it disappeared. I can only see the very edge of it. It could just be a camera glitch we've had that kind of stuff happen before. The previous journal, I can only see the very edge of it. I'm sorry I didn't go back quick enough and this camera only has a rolling five days. So I can't see what happened to the brief case, but I can see the edge of the journal and then I can't see the edge of the journal."

Woods explained how the last time that it happened was during the mannequins and when Matthias and River were under control by Nelson to lure and distract the team which made Matthias laugh as he spoke. "So who's editing it then because it's not me, because I'm freaked out." Matthias said standing back up as Sam spoke. "I get what I want to say but I don't think Matt or River is altering footage, I think those days of their days-" Sam began which made Matthias cut her off. "Those weren't our days." Matthias spoke looking at her as Sam apologized as she was about to speak before hearing a bunch of no's come from Matthias as she turned to see Bailey walking in with the other journal as she spoke looking at them. "They gave me a journal. They said that it was like, it seemed like it had something to do with this so they gave it to me." Bailey explained looking at them as Matthias took it, opening it to reveal the cipher as they opened the pages to reveal the same pages from the other journal as they saw the new note from the other journal before finding another note on the journal that Bailey had found as he held it up.

"Patient F5908 has been in  a coma for almost seven months now, she's a mother of three. Her husband is consistently calling the corporate office and somehow found the number for location number four on the front desk. She was our strongest subject for Project Pegasus and now Benjamin is talking about starting over and scrapping the rest of them. We all know what that means.  And there's only so much I can do to stop it." Matthias spoke as he went to show Bailey the other journal before finding out that it was gone which made River feel freaked out as Matthias tried checking for a back panel as they decided for him to hold onto the journal since they figured out that putting it on the shelf has caused for the journal to disappear.  "Look at this," Matthias began when everyone sat back in the meeting room as he had one of the folders opened as he began again. "May 15th, we have to be out in one month. It is less than a month. Don't you love it when they print empty pages. Wait, it's not a blank page, it all of a sudden makes sense. It's from GR." Matthias explained as he took out a paper before he began to read it out loud.

"Cease uploading to YouTube, or the eviction will go through as promised. Call me tomorrow at 4 p.m with your decision in mind. GR." Matthias spoke showing it to everyone as they were able to find out that Gary was blackmailing them and that all they want is the absalate, in which they don't have as Matthias sighed asking the viewers for help once more as he held the paper in his hand looking at the camera. 

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